Friday 19th May

Maths- Estimate

this is a game about estimation which we did in class.

CW: Maths workbook 2 (white) pg 7.

HW: Maths workbook 2 (white) pgs 8, 9.


HW: handout fil-file l-aħdar.

English: Phonics: CVC words- a or e in the middle

Read the words in the white file

CW: phonics workbook pg 42.

HW: Phonics workbook pg 46.

Science: The 5 senses

workbook pg 35.

Friday 12th May

Maths- o’clock

CW: Maths wb 2 (white) pg 22.

HW: Maths wb 2 (white) pg 23.

Malti: HW: handout fil-file l-aħdar dwar kliem ħbieb.

English- diagraph zz

CW: Phonics wb pg 35.

HW: Phonics wb pg 36.

PE lesson

Music lesson

Friday 5th May

Maths Capacity

CW: Shape, space and measures pg 9.

HW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 37, 38.

Malti- It-trasport

CW: Tm 1a pgs 55, 60.

HW: 2 handouts fil-file l-aħdar.

English: the letter v

HW: Phonics wb pgs 30-31.

Friday 28th April

Maths- Weight

CW: SSM pg 7.

HW: Maths workbook 2 (white) pgs 3, 4.

Malti- Gruppi

CW: TM 1a pg 58.

HW: Handout in the green file.

English- The letter l

HW: Phonics workbook pg 45.

Music lesson.

PE Lesson.

Friday 21st April

Maths- N14 Ordering

CW: Maths workbook 2 pg 56.

HW: Maths workbook 2 pg 57.

Malti: Il-frott wieħed u ħafna

HW: handout fil-file aħdar.

English- the letter r

HW: 2 handouts in the yellow flat file

Music lesson

PE lesson

Tuesday 4th April

Maths- N16 Subtraction

CW: Maths workbook 2 pg 23.

HW: Maths workbok 2 (white|) pgs 28-31.

Malti- Is-Sillabi

HW: handout dwar is-sillabi fil-file l-aħdar.

English- The ck sound

CW: Phonics wb pg 24.

HW: Phonics wb pg 25. Handout in the yellow file.

Studji Soċjali- Nitkellmu dwar iż-żmien meta l-ġenituri tagħna kien għadhom tfal. Handout fil-file l-aħmar.

Monday 3rd April

Maths- N16 Subtraction

CW: Maths wb 2 pg 22.

HW: Maths workbook 2 (white) pgs 26, 27.

Malti: Fil-ġnien

Qsamna kliem relatat mal-vokabularju fil-ġnien u qsamnihom f’sillabi.

CW: TM 1a pg 34.

English: The ck sound

CW: Phonics wb pgs 22, 23.

HW: 2 handouts in the yellow file.

Religion: Ġesu’ miegħi kuljum. wb pg 64.

Science: Ourselves (parts of the body)wb pg 31

Thursday 30th March

Maths- N 17 Counting to 20

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 57.

HW: Maths wb 3 pg 3. Maths workbook pg 44.

Malti- Il-partijiet tal- ġisem

CW: Handout fil-file aħdar

HW: TM1a pg 40.

English- The letter k

CW: Phonics wb pg 16.

HW: Phonics wb pg 17.

Monday 27th March

Maths- Addition

CW: Maths workbook 2 pg 10.

HW: Maths workbook 2 pg 11.

Malti- Is-sillabi b’1 u bi 2

CW: TM 1a pg 11

HW: TM 1a pg 19.

English- The letter g.

Phonics wb pgs 12, 13.

Study the next 2 Tricky words he and she for Monday 3rd April.

In the white file thay have a new handout with words from Unit 3 g, o ,c ,k.

Religion: Ġesu’ qam mill-mewt . wb pg 63.

Science Our body parts. wb pgs 29, 30.

Friday 24th March

Maths- Addition

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 67, 68.

HW: Orange copybook.

Malti: L-artiklu il-

HW: flat file aħdar, handout dwar l-artiklu.

English: Unit 1 s a t i p m d

The sound of the letter d.

CW: Phonics wb pgs 9,10.

HW: Phonics wb pg 11. 2 handouts in the yellow flat file.

Music lesson

PE lesson

Monday 20th March

Maths- Addition

CW -workbook 1 pg 7

HW- workbook 1 (white) pg 64

Malti- L-artiklu il-

English- Unit 1 s and a sounds

The s sound

The a sound

CW: Phonics wb 1 pg 1

HW: Phonics wb 1 pg 2

Study the first 2 Tricky words I and the for next Monday.

Religion: Gesu qam mill-mewt. wb pg 62.

Science- The planting of a tree. wb pg 26.

Friday 17th March

Maths- Money

CW: Maths workbok 1 (white) 71.

HW: Maths workbook 1(white) pg 72.

Malti- Il-vokali

HW: Handout fil-file l-aħdar.

PE lesson.

Music lesson

Thursday 16th March

Maths- Shopping using euro coins

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 69.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 70.

Malti- Il-vokali

CW: fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti ktibna xi kliem li jibdew bil-vokali.

HW: handout fil-file aħdar.

English- Happy House unit 5 lesson 1. handout.

Art Lesson.

Wednesday 15th March

Maths- Money

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 54.

Malti- Il-vokali

CW: Fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar jagħmlu ċirku mall-vokali.

Religion: Il-passjoni ta’ Ġesu’ wb pg 61.

Studji Soċjali: Nikbru minn trabi għal tfal. Handout

Tuesday 14th March

Maths- Money

CW: Maths workbook 2 pg 15. Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 52.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 53.

Malti: Il-vokali

HW: fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar tal-Malti iridu jagħmlu ċirku mal-vokali.

PE Lesson.

Easter Crafts

Monday 13th March

Maths- Euro cent coins

The children got familiar with the euro cent coins.

CW .Maths wb 2 pgs13

HW: Maths wb 2 pg 14.

Malti: Il-vokali

HW: Handout fil-file l-aħdar.

Religion: Il-passjoni ta’ Ġesu’. WB pgs 60, 61.

Science: The growing of a plant.wb pgs 27, 28.

Friday 10th March

Maths- Addition

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 36, 37.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 38, 39 and handout in the orange file.

Malti: Il-ġugarelli

CW: TM 1a pg 36.

HW: Handout fil-file l-aħdar.

English: Happy House Unit 4 lesson 5. Handout

Music Lesson

PE Lesson

Thursday 9th March


CW: CW: Maths workbook 1 pgs 23, 24

HW: Maths workbbok 1 (white) pgs 25, 47.

Malti Il-ġugarelli

HW: Jiktbu din jew dan fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti.

English: Happy House Unit 4 lesson 4. Handout.

Reading: Reading: The very funny frog.

Art Lesson

Wednesday 8th March

Maths- Directions

CW: Shapes, space and measeures pg 23. Maths wb 1 (white) pg 46.


Aqra il-handout mill-blu file. TM 1a pgs 31, 32.

Studji Soċjali: l-importanza li l-ambjent ta’ madwarna jiġi organiżżat. Handout

Tuesday 7th March

Maths- Addition

CW: Maths worknbook 1 (white) pgs 19,20.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 21, 22.

Malti- din, dan, dawn

CW: 1a pgs 14, 33.

HW: TM 1a pg 35.

PE lesson

Easter Crafts

Monday 6th March

Maths- before after and in between

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 60.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg73.

Malti: dan, din, dawn

HW: Malti flat file aħdar

Religion: Nikber bħal Ġesu’. wb pg 58.

Science: Parts of a plant. wb pg 26.

Thursday 2nd March

Maths – counting from 1 to 20

CW: Maths workbok 1 pgs 5, 6.

HW: Maths workbook 2 pg 53. Orange file

Malti- Il-kuluri

CW: TM 1a pgs 25, 28.

HW: 2 handouts fil-flie l-aħdar

English- Happy House Unit 4 lesson 3. Handout

Art Lesson

Wednesday 1st March

Maths- ordering numbers

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 4.

Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 77.


CW: TM 1a pg 26.

Handout fil-file aħdar

Religion: Alla ħalaq id-dinja bl-imħabba. wb pg 28.

Studji Soċjali: Ninnutaw kif aħna l-bnedmin norganiżżaw l-ambjent fiżiku li ngħixu fih. Handout

Tuesday 28th February

Maths- Counting backwards from 20.

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 3.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 76.

Malti: Il-ġranet tal-ġimgħa

CW: Jiktbu il-ġranet tal-ġimgħa fuq il-pitazz.

HW: Handout fil-fat file l-aħdar. Qabbel il-kelma mal-istampa.

Science: Loud and soft sounds. wb pg 19.

PE Lesson

Monday 27th February

Maths- Numbers to 15.

CW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 1, 2.

HW: Maths workbook 2 (white) pgs 74, 75.

Malti- Il-kuluri

HW: pitazz aħdar dwar il-kuluri.

Religion: Alla ħalaq kollox permezz tal-imħabba. wb pg 28.

Science: Soft sounds and loud sounds.

WB pg 18.

Friday 24th February

Maths- Number 20.

CW: My book of numbers pgs 57, 58.

HW: My book of numbers pgs 59, 60. Orange copybook.

Malti: il-ġranet tal-ġimgħa

HW: handout dwar il-kuluri. Jiktbu l-ittri kapitali: E, F, Ġ, G.

Music lesson.

PE Lesson

Thursday 23rd February

Maths- Count to 20

CW: Maths workbook 1 pgs 22, 23.

HW: Maths wb 1 (white) pgs 14, 16.

Malti- Il- ġugarelli

CW: TM 1a pgs 30, 39.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittri kapitali: A, B, Ċ, D fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti

Mill-blu flat file jaqraw il-handout tal-kuluri u tal-ġugarelli.

Studja kliem tad-dettatura għal għada numri 9-14.

Studji Soċjali: Nibnu l-istorja ta-klassi tagħna. Handout

Wednesday 22nd February

Maths- Count to 20.

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 21. Maths workbook 2 (white) pg 15.

Malti: Il-Kuluri

CW: TM 1a pg 24.

Religion: Affarijiet li jgħaqqduna flimkien . wb pg 26

Science: Electricity safety at home. wb pgs 16, 17.

Friday 17th February

HW for the Carnival holidays:

Maths: My book of numbers pgs 55, 56.

Malti: TM 1a pg 27

Pitazz Malti Kitba

Thursday 16th February

Malti Assessment

Maths- Counting numbers

CW: Maths workbook 1 pgs 19, 20.

Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 58, 59.

Malti- L-ittra ie

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 88, 89.

HW: Malti wb 2 pg 90. Jiktbu l-ittra ie u ieqaf u iebes fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti.

Studji Soċjali: Nitkellmu dwar il-passaġġ li naraw fi triqtna għall-iskola. Handout.

Wednesday 15th February

Maths Assessment

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 18 Counting numbers

Malti- L-ittra ie

CW: Malti wb 1 pgs 59, 60.

Religion: Trid tgħinni? WVB pgs 24, 25.

Science: Electricity wb pgs 14, 15.

Thursday 9th February

Maths-Take away

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 50, 51.

HW: Maths workbook 2 (white) pgs 5, 6. Orange copybook: write 17 and 18 and take away 1.

Malti: L-ittra h

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 85, 86, 87.

HW: Fuq il-pitazz jiktbu l-ittra h u hemm. Fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti kitba jiktbu: għaġin u hawn.

English: Happy House Unit 3 lessons 4 and 5. 2 handouts

Art Lesson

Wednesday 8th February

Maths- Number 18

CW: My book of numbers pgs 53, 54.

Malti: L-ittra h

CW: Malti wb 1 pgs 57, 58.

Religion: Alla jgħallimna permezz ta’ Ġesu’ wb pg 23.

Studji Soċjali: Ninnutaw u napprezzaw is-sbuħija ta’ madwqar l-iskola. handout

Tuesday 7th February

Maths- Take away 1

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 17.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 49.

Malti- L-ittra għ

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 83, 84.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra għ u l-kliem għasfur u għadma fuq il-pitazz.

English: The colours story.

Friday 3rd February

Maths- Number 17

CW: My book of numbers pg 51.

HW: My book of numbers pg 52. Orange copybook add 1.

Malti: B’liema ittra jispiċċaw il-kliem?

HW: Handout- kif tispiċċa l-kelma fil-flat file l-aħdar. Malti kitba, jiktbu żiemel u zokk.

Music Lesson

PE Lesson

Thursday 2nd February

Maths- Add +1

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 32.

HW: Maths abacus workbook 1 pg 12.

Malti: L-ittra ż

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 79, 80, 81.

HW: fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti jiktbu l-ittra ż u żejt.

English: Happy House Unit 3 lesson 3. Handout.

Art lesson.

Studja numri 1-4 għad-dettatura għal għada, mill blu file.

Wednesday 1st February

Maths- Add +1

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 11.

Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 13, 14.

Malti- L-ittra ż

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra ż fuq il-flat file l-aħdar.

WB 1 pgs 53, 54. WB 2 pg 79.

Religion- It-tifel li reġa lura. wb pg 21.

Studji Soċjali- Ninnutaw u napprezzaw is-sbuħija tan-natura. Handout

Tuesday 31st January

Maths- Add +1

CW: Maths workbook 1 pgs 9, 10.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 11, 12.

Malti- L-ittra z

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 77, 78.

HW: Pitazz Malti- Jiktbu l-ittra z u l-kelma zija.

English: Talking and discussing their favourite colours.


Football session

Monday 30th January

Maths- Add +1

CW: Maths workbook 1 pgs 7, 8

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 9, 10 Use the bunny hop number line to work out the additions.

Malti- Littra z

Religion- It-tifel li ġie lura. wb pg 20.

Science: Colours in nature. wb pg 12.

Friday 27th January

Maths- Number 16

CW: My book of numbers pg 50.

HW: Count backwards on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra s

CW: wb 2 pgs 74, 75.

B’liema ittra jispiċċaw?

CW: TM 1a pg 13.

HW: handout fil-flat file l-aħdar- Kif jispiċċaw il-kliem? Fuq il-pitazz jiktbu l-kliem silġ u qattus.

For next Friday’s dictation study the words from the blue flat file numbers 1-4: kok, dar, dud u tin.

Thursday 26th January

Maths- Number 16

CW: My book of numbers pg 49.

HW: orange copybook.

Malti- L-ittra s

CW: WB 1 pgs 49, 50.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra s fuq id-dots. WB 2 pg 73.

English- Happy House Unit 3 lesson 2 handout.

Art Lesson

Wednesday 25th January

Maths- Number 15

CW: My book of numbers pgs 46, 47, 48.

Malti- L-ittra q

CW: WB 2 pgs 71, 72.

Religion: Ġesu’ jħobb lit-tfal tassew. wb pg 19.

Studji Soċjali: modi kif naslu f’destinazzjonijiet differenti fil-klassi. Handout

Monday 23rd January

Please note that this HW is for Wednesday not for tomorrow.

Maths- Number 14

CW: My book of numbers pg 44.

HW : My book of numbers pg 45. Orange copybook.

Religion: Alla l-Missier tagħna ilkoll. wb pg 17.

Malti: L-ittra q

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra q fuq id-dots. WB 1 pgs 47, 48.

HW: WB 2 pg 70. Jiktbu l-ittra q fuq il-pitazz.

Science: Our Planets and its neighbours. wb pg 11.

Friday 20th January

Maths- Length

CW: Maths workbook 2 pg 43.

HW: Maths workbook 2 pg 42.

Malti: Biex tibda?

CW: TM 1a pg 64.

HW: 2 handouts fil-flat file aħdar: Biex jibdew?


P.E Lesson

Music Lesson

Thursday 19th January

Maths- Length

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 5.

HW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 40, 41.

Malti- L-ittra ġ

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 67, 68, 69.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra ġ u ġelat fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti.

English: Happy House Unit 3 lesson 1. Handout

Wednesday 18th January

Maths- Length

Measuring objects using interlocking cubes and paper clips.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 4.

Maths workbook 2 pg 39.

Malti- L-ittra ġ

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra ġ fuq id-dots. Malti wb 1 pgs 45, 46.

Religion: Flimkien veru sbieħ. wb pg 17.

Studji Soċjali: Noħolqu modi ta’ kif naslu f’destinazzjonijiet differenti fil-klassi. handout.

Tuesday 17th January

Maths- Number 13

CW: My book of numbers pg 43.

HW: handout in the orange file. write 11, 12, 13 on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra g.

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 65, 66.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra g u gaffa fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti.

English: Listen to wake up toys and talk about their favourite toy.

P.E lesson

Crafts: Design a snow globe.

Monday 16th January

Maths- Number 13

CW: My book of numbers pg 42.

HW: write number 13 on the orange copybook.

Malti: l-ittra g

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra g fuq id-dots. WB 1 pgs 43, 44.

HW: wb 2 pg 64.

Religion: 2.2Flimkien veru sbieh. wb pg 17.

Science: Planet Earth.wb pg 10.

Friday 13th January

Maths- Time- One minute.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 11. CW on copybook.

HW: writing 11 and 12 on the orange copybook.

Malti- B’liema ittra jibdew?

CW: TM 1a pg 12.

HW: handout u jiktbu: jien, kok u kor fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti Kitba.

Music Lesson.

P.E Lesson

Thursday 12th January

Maths- Time (one minute).

The children learnt the concept of one minute through the sand timer.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 10.

HW: Writing the number 12 on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra j

CW: WB 2 pgs 62, 63.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra j u jott fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti.

Biex Jibdew? It-tfal jagħrfu l-ewwel ittra tal-kelma. TM 1a pg 20.

English: Happy House Unit 2 lesson 5 (handout).

Art Lesson

Wednesday 11th January

Maths- Counting 1-12

CW: My book of numbers pg 41. Handout- Counting numbers

Malti: L-ittra j

CW: WB 1 pgs 41, 42. WB 2 pg 61.

Religion: Jiena parti mill-ħolqien. workbook pg 16.

English: Listening to the numbers song and talk about numbers.

Tuesday 10th January

Maths-Number 12

CW: before and after exercise on the cw copybook.

HW: My book of numbers pg 40.

Malti: L-ittra k

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 59, 60.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra k fuq il-pitazz.

P.E lesson.

English: The story of the very hungry caterpillar.

Monday 9th January

Maths- Number 11

CW: My book of numbers pg 38.

HW: My book of numbers pg 39.

Malti: L-ittra k

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra k fuq id-dots. WB 2 pg 58.

HW: WB 1 pgs 39, 40.

TM 1a pgs 61, 62, 63 CW.

Religion: Jiena parti mill-ħolqien. wb pg 16.

Wednesday 21st December

Please note that this hw is for the Christmas Holidays:

Maths- writing numbers in the correct order from 1-10.

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 42, 43.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 5, 6, 7, 8.

Hw on the orange copybook (before and after).

Malti-L-ittra b

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 55, 56, 57.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra b fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti.

HW fuq il-pitazz Malti kitba.

Tuesday 20th December


CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 33.

HW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pgs 34, 35.

Malti: L-ittra b

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra b fuq id-dots (handout).

HW: Malti wb 1 pgs 37, 38.

Friday 16th December

Maths- Continue the numbers

CW: Number workbook 1 pgs 2, 4.

HW: Number workbook 1 pgs 5, 6.

Malti- L-ittra x

CW: Malti wb 2 pg 54.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra x u xita fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti Kitba.

Music Lesson

P.E Lesson

Thursday 15th December

Maths- before and after

CW: My book of numbers pg 36.

HW: My book of numbers pg 37.

Malti- L-ittra x

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra x fuq id-dots. WB 1 pgs 35, 36.

HW: WB 2 pg 52.

English: Happy House Unit 2 lesson 5.


Art Lesson

Sign the green copybook.

Wednesday 14th December

Maths-Before and after

CW: My book of numbers pg 35.

Malti- L-ittra w

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 50, 51.

Religion: Inferrħu lil xulxin. wb pg 56.

Studji Soċjali: Nosservaw il-karateristiċi li nsibu ġewwa l-iskola.


Study for tomorrow’s dictation: dar, mara, pupa ra.

Monday 12th December

Maths- Counting 1-10.

CW: My book of numbers pg 33.

HW: My book of numbers pg 34.

Religion: L-istorja tal-Milied.

Workbook pg 55.

Malti: L-ittra w

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra w fuq id-dots. WB 1 pg 33.

HW: WB 1 pg 34. WB 2 pg 49.

English: Reading: Oxford reading tree-The Library.

Friday 9th December

Maths- Number 10.

CW: My book of numbers pg 32. write number 10 on copybook.

HW: Continue writing down the numbers on orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra v

CW: Malti Wb 2 pgs 46, 47, 48.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra v fuq il-pitazz. Jiktbu l-kliem pupa u nannu fuq il-pitazz Malti Kitba.

Music Lesson

PE Lesson

Wednesday 7th December

Maths- Number 10

CW: write number 10 on the dots.

HW: Maths workbook pgs 30, 31.

Malti- Littra v

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra v fuq id-dots.

WB 1 pgs 31, 32.

HW: WB 2 pg 46.

Religion: L-Iben t’Alla sar bniedem. wb pg 54.

Studji Soċjali: Niskopru għaliex ċerti affarijiet f’ħajjitna m’għandniex nagħmluhom.


Tuesday 6th December

Maths- Number 9

CW: My book of numbers pg 29.

HW: write 9 on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra u

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 43, 44, 45.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra u fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.

English: Happy house Unit 2 lesson 4 (handout).

Monday 5th December

Maths- Number 9

CW: write number 9 on the dots.

HW: Maths workbook phg 28.

Malti: L-ittra u

CW: TM 1a pgs 21, 22.

HW: Malti workbook pgs 29, 30.

Religion: Marija qalet iva

Workbook pg 53.

English- Happy House Unit 2 lesson 3.

work out handout

Wednesday 30th November

Maths- number 8

CW: write 8 on the cw copybook.

HW: write 8 on the hw copybook.

Malti- L-ittra p

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 40, 41, 42.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra p fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.

Social Studies: Naraw l-importanza tan-nies f’ħajjitna u għala jinsabu f’ħajjitna.


Monday 28th November

Maths- Number 8

CW: orange file: write 8 on the dots. Maths wb pg 24.

HW: Maths workbook pgs 25, 26.

Religion: Workbook pg 52. X’rigal Kbir.

HW: Find a picture of when Jesus was born and stick it on the book. (this applies to the children that don’t go for Ethics lessons).

Malti: L-ittra p

CW: Jiktbu l-p fuq id-dots. (green file).

HW: wb 1 pgs 27, 28.

Science: Push and pull

WB pg 9.

Friday 25th November

Maths- Number 7 and counting numbers

HW: write 7 on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra r

CW: Malti wb 2 pg 39.

HW: Jiktbu l-kliem: dudu, re u far fuq il-pitazz.

Don’t forget to sign the dictation.

Music Lesson.

PE Lesson.

Thursday 24th November

Maths- Positions- Above and Below

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 41.

HW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 22.

Malti: L-ittra r

CW: workbook pg 37.

HW: workbook pg 38.

Art Lesson

English: Happy House Unit 2 lesson 2 (handout).

Wednesday 23rd November

Maths- Above and Below

CW: Maths workbook 1 (white) pg 40.

Religion: Aħna rigali t’Alla. wb pgs 50, 51.

Malti: L-ittra r

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra r fuq id-dots.

Malti wb 1 pgs 25, 26.

Studji Soċjali: Naraw l-importanza tan-nies f’ħajjitna u naraw għala jinsabu f’ħajjitna.


Tuesday 22nd November

Maths- Number 7

CW: write 7 on the cw copybook.

HW: count objects on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra f

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 34, 35.

HW: Malti wb 2 pg 36. Jiktbu l-ittra f fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.

PE Lesson


Monday 21st November

Maths- Number 7

CW: Orange file- write 7 on the dots. WB pg 22.

HW: Maths wb pg 23.

Religion: Ngħin u nsellef. WB pgs 43, 44.

Malti: L-ittra f.

CW: Malti wb 1 pgs 23, 24.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra f fuq id-dots (file aħdar).

Science: Push and Pull.

Science WB pg 8.

Friday 18th November

Maths- 3-d shapes

CW: Maths workbook (white) pg 17.

HW: Maths workbook (white) pg 18. Write 6 on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra ħ

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 32, 33.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra ħ fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti u jiktbu tat u lil fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti Kitba.

Music Lesson

PE Lesson

Thursday 17th November

Maths- 3-d shapes

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 20. Maths workbook pg 15.

HW: Maths workbook pg 16.

Malti: L-ittra ħ

Aqra l-istorja mill-ktieb iż-żgħir dwar l-ittra ħ minn paġna 11.

Cw: Jiktbu l-ħ fuq id-dots (file aħdar). WB 1 pgs 21, 22.

HW: WB 2 pg 31.

Art Lesson

English: Happy House Unit 2 lesson 1 Pens and Pencils.

Wednesday 16th November

Maths- 3-d shapes

CW: write 6 on Maths CW copybook.

HW: Shapes, space and Measures pg 19.

Religion: Nagħżel li nagħmel it-tajjeb.WB pg 14.

Malti: L-ittra e

Cw: Malti wb 2 pgs 28, 29, 30.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra e fuq il-pitazz.

Studji Soċjali: Id-dar u l-iskola. Niskopru n-nies li niltaqgħu magħhom l-iskola. Handout.

Monday 14th November

Maths-number 6

CW: write number 6 on the dots (handout)

HW: Maths workbook pgs 20, 21.

Religion: Nieħdu ħsieb dak li tana Alla. WB pg 13.

Malti: L-ittra e

Aqra l-istorja tal-ittra e mill-ktieb iż-żgħir.

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra e fuq id-dots (handout).

HW: WB 1 pgs 19, 20.

Science: different types of weather conditions.

WB pgs 6, 7.

Friday 11th November

Maths- 2d shapes

CW: Maths wb 2 pg 28.

HW: Maths wb 2 pg 29. Orange copybook (continue the numbers).

Malti: L-ittra o

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 26, 27.

HW: 2 pitazzi ħodor- Jiktbu l-ittra o u fuq l-ieħor jiktbu l-kliem: omm u dada.

Music Lesson.

PE Lesson

Thursday 10th November

Maths- 2-d shapes

CW: Maths wb 1 (white) pgs 26, 27.

HW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 17.

Malti- L-ittra o

CW: Malti wb 1 pgs 17, 18.

HW: Green file (jitkbu o fuq id-dots). WB 2 pg 25.

Art Lesson

English: Happy House Unit 1 lesson 5 (handout).

Wednesday 9th November

Maths-2-d shapes

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 16.

Write number 5 on the cw copybook.

Religion: L-istorja ta’ San Franġisk u l-lupu. Wb pg 12.

Malti- L-ittra d.

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 23, 24.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra d fuq il-pitazz.

Studji Soċjali: Min huma n-nies li jaħdmu l-iskola?


Monday 7th November

Note: The hw is going to be for Wednesday since tomorrow we have an outing.

Maths: Number 5

CW: Maths workbook pg 17.

HW: Maths workbook pgs 18, 19.

Religion: San Franġisk t’Assisi. wb pg 11.

Malti: L-ittra d

CW: Malti wb 1 pgs 15, 16.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra fuq dots (green file). Wb 2 pg 22.

Science- Weather Changes

Wb pg 5.

Friday 4th November

Maths- Number 5

CW: Maths workbook pg 16.

HW: write 5 on the Maths copybook (orange).

Malti: L-ittra ċ

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 19, 20.

HW: wb 2 pg 21.

Jiktbu l-ittra ċ fuq il-pitazz.

Sign the dictation on the green copybook.

Thursday 3rd November

Maths- Number 5

CW: writing number 5 on the dots.

HW: workbook pg 15.

Malti- L-ittra ċ

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra ċ fuq id-dots.

HW: Malti workbook pgs 13, 14.

Art Lesson.

English: Happy House Unit 1 lesson 4.

Tomorrow I’m going to ask the children these 4 words: ma, il, ta, li. Please revise them together.

Friday 28th October

Maths- Counting numbers 1-10

CW: Maths workbook pg 14.

HW: Orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra n

HW: Malti workbook 2 pg 18.

Jiktbu ma u nanna fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.

Aqra l-ktieb tal-ewwel blokk tal-ittri- Mattia. (jinsab fil-green button folder).

English: Happy House pg 9 (handout) for hw.

Thursday 27th October

Maths- Number recognition numbers 1-10

CW: Maths workbook 1 pg 3.

HW: write the number 4 on the copybooks.

Malti: L-ittra n

CW: Malti wb 2 pgs 16, 17.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra n fuq il-pitazz.

English: Happy House unit 1 lessons 1 and 2. Find and draw Otto.

Art lesson with the art teacher.

Tuesday 25th October

Maths- The value of number 4

CW: Maths wb pg 13.

HW: Maths wb pg 12.

Malti: L-ittra m

Rajna xi kliem li jibdew bl-ittra m:

CW: Workbook 2 pgs 14, 15.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra m fuq il-pitazz.

English: Storytelling: Goldilocks and the 3 bears.

Science- The 4 seasons (handout).

In the red box file the children have a note as on the 8th November we have an outing to Esplora. Please send 3 euros in a sealed envelope. Thanks.

Monday 24th October

Maths- Number 4

CW: writing 4 on the dots (handout).

HW: Maths workbook pg 11.

Malti: L-ittra m

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra m fuq id-dots (2 handouts).

Wb 1 pgs 9, 10.

HW: Wb 2 pg 13.

Science: The 4 seasons (handout).

Friday 21st October

Maths- Counting from 1 to 10.

HW: Wb pg 10.

Hw on orange copybook: write the numbers 1, 2, 3.

Malti: L-ittra a

CW: wb pg 12.

HW: Jiktbu l-kliem ta’ u il fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.

Next week: Maths- number 4. Counting 1 to 10.

Malti: L-ittri m u n. Aqra l-istorja mill-ktieb iż-żgħir tal-ittri.

Thursday 20th October

Maths- Number 3 and counting from 1-10.

CW: wb pg 9.

HW: write 3 on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra a

Aqra l-istorja tal-ittra a mill-ktieb tal-ittri ż-żgħir.

CW: Malti workbook pgs 10, 11.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra a fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.

Studji Soċjali: X’ninnutaw differenti u l-istess fl-ambjent tad-dar u tal-iskola.


Tuesday 18th October

Maths- Number 3

CW: Wb pg 7.

HW: wb pg 6.

Malti: L-ittra t.

CW: wb pgs 7, 8, 9.

HW: Jiktbu l-ittra t fuq il-pitazz.

Science: Materials.

WB pgs 3, 4.

Monday 17th October

Maths- Introducing number 3

CW: Writing 3 on the dots (handout).

HW: Maths wb pg 5.

Malti: L-ittra t

CW: Jiktbu l-ittra t fuq id-dots (handout)

HW: Malti wb pgs 5, 6

Craft: Card for Pink October

Friday 14th October

Maths- Counting and sorting objects from 1-10.

HW: writing the number 2 on Maths copybook.

Malti: L-ittra l

CW: TM 1a pg 10.

HW: Jiktbu l-kelma li fuq il-pitazz Malti Kitba.

Music & P.E

Thursday 13th October

Maths- Counting from 1-10

Write the number 2.

HW: write number 2 on the orange copybook.

Malti: L-ittra l.

CW: wb 2 pg 6.

HW: Ikteb l-ittra l fuq il-pitazz.


TM 1a pg 16.

English: Story: The shrimp and the bully.

11th October

Maths- number 2

CW: handout number 2.

HW: Maths wb pg 4.

Malti- l-ittra l

HW: Malti wb pg 4

CW: Il-familja TM 1a pgs 9, 15.

Monday 10th October

Maths-Number 2

CW: handout writing number 25 on the dots

HW: Maths wb pg 3.

Malti: L-ittra l

Aqra l-istorja tal-ittra l.

CW: Niktbu l-ittra l fuq id-dots.

HW: WB pg 3.

Science: Living and non-living things

wb pg 2

Friday 7th October

Maths- Short or Tall

CW: Maths workbook 1 pgs 3 and 4.

HW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 3.

HW on orange copybook- write number 1 and draw 1 ball.

Malti: L-ittra i

CW: TM1a pg 7.

HW: Ikteb l-ittra i fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.

Thursday 6th October

Maths workbook pg 2.- short or tall. Colour the tall objects.

Malti workbook pg 3. Jiktbu l-ittra i.

Tuesday 4th October

Maths hw on the orange copybook.

Malti hw on the green copybook.

Today the children have a new Maths workbook. Please cover it with plastic, they don’t have hw from the workbook.

Monday 3rd October

Maths- Today we learnt to write the number 1.

HW: handout in the orange flatfile.

Malti: L-ittra i

HW: handout in the green flat file

Friday 30th September

Maths- Counting from 1 to 10.

HW: Handout in the orange flat file

Malti: L-ittri tal-Alfabett.

HW: handout in the green flat file.


Thursday 29th September

Maths- we learnt to count the numbers from 1 to 10.

Malti- For CW we did some pre-writing on the handouts.

HW: handout in the green flat file.

Wednesday 1st June

We did the Celebration dance in the morning.

Maths- Halves, Thirds and Quarters

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 39.

Malti: Il-Pronomi Magħżulin

It-tfal ħadmu CW fuq 2 handouts.

From the study books revise:

Maths- Fractions pgs 30, 31.

Malti – Il-Pronomi Magħżulin pg 22.

English- Adverbs pg 23.

Monday 30th May

Maths-Finding the difference

The children learnt how to find the difference amongst any 2 given numbers.

CW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 15, 16.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pg 17.

English: Comprehension

Leona the Librarian

workbook pg 39.

Fluency book pgs 44-45.

Malti: Maskil u Femminil

Noti pg 21.

CW: Ktejjeb tal-Malti pg 44.

HW: TM 3a pg 66.

Religion: 8.1 Inħennu għall-oħrajn

workbook pgs 131-132

Friday 27th May

Maths- Bar Graphs

he children saw what a bar graph is and they understood that it is used to collect data. It is made up of y axis and x axis. Bar graphs should always be given a title.

CW: Maths workbook pgs 60, 61, Shape, Space and Measures pg 37.

HW: Maths workbook pgs 62, 63.

English- Creative Writing.

The children were presented with pictures and they had to write a paragraph on it.

They were writing about dragons from Language book pg 163.

CW: PB pgs 126, 129.

HW: PB pgs 127, 128, 130, 131.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem

TM 3a pgs 49-51 X’ikla dik!

Social Studies: Trasport fuq il-baħar użat mill-Maltin fil-passat u preżent

workbook pgs 94-97.

Thursday 26th May

Maths- Bar Graphs

The children saw what a bar graph is and they understood that it is used to collect data. It is made up of y axis and x axis. Bar graphs should always be given a title.

CW: Workbook pgs 56, 57.

HW: Workbook pgs 58, 59.

English: Using some and any.

CW: Language book pg 160 exercise 2.

Malti: Singular u Plural

CW: Workbook pg 40.

HW: Workbook pgs 41, 42.

Religion: 8.6 X’irid minna Ġesu’.

Workbook pgs 129-130

Wednesday 25th May

Maths- Sorting

The children learnt how to sort the objects according to their colour and shape and then they also sorted the numbers.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pgs 34, 35, 36.

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva

Stampa Storja.

Mill-Ktejjeb tal-Malti paġna 52.

It-tfal ingħataw sett ta’ stampi u huma jridu jiktbu paragrafu jew sentenzi fuq dak li qegħdin jaraw.

English: Some or Any

The children were aware when they have to use some or any.

CW: Workbook pg 29.

Phonics: Unit 19.

Words with all, au and aw sound.

Studja Kliem bil-Malti 2 numri 109-120 għall nhar l-Erbgħa.

Tuesday 24th May

Maths- Directions

Clockwise and anti-clockwise

The children learnt what is a quarter turn, a half turn and a full turn by using a compass.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 25.



  1. 18+2+5=
  2. 21+6+4=
  3. 18+4+7=
  4. 26+5+9=
  5. 32+4+3=
  6. 37+5+5=
  7. 28+4+3=
  8. 27+8+7=
  9. 39+5+4=
  10. 42+6+5=
  11. 17+8+9=
  12. 46+12+10=

English: Singular and Plural

words ending in f and fe and it becomes ves.

English hw on copybook- an exercise where they need to change the word in the brackets into the plural.

Malti: Verbi fil-preżent

CW: TM 3b pg 51.

TM 3a pgs 70, 71.


8.5: Id-drittijiet u d-dmirijiet

Workbook pgs 127-128.

Monday 23rd May

Maths- Directions

Clockwise and anti-clockwise.

The children learnt what are clockwise and anti-clockwise and in which direction the arrows turn.

HW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 24.

English- Comprehension- Happy New Year

Language book pgs 156-157.

HW: On the foolscap, answer the questions from exercise 1 pg 158.

Read: Fluency book pgs 42-45.

Malti: TM 3a pg 69.

Rotta fuq il-mappa.

Friday 20th May

Maths- Symmetry

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 33.

HW: Maths Workbook pg 51.

English: Singular and Plural

CW: Exercise on the English copybook.

HW: Practice book pgs 112, 113.

Malti: Singular u Plural.

CW: Ktejjeb tal-Malti pgs 36, 37, 38.

HW: Ktejjeb tal-Malti pgs 39, 40, 41.

Religion: Min qed jgħinna nikbru

Wotkbook pgs 124, 125.

Study Tricky words for next Friday numbers 261-270.

Thursday 19th May

Filgħodu t-tfal kellhom l-Assessjar tal-Malti.

Maths- Symmetry.

CW: Maths workbook pg 49.

HW: Maths workbook pg 50.

English HW:

Practice book pgs 110-111.

Malti: Reviżjoni tal-Plural

CW: Ktejjeb tal-Malti pgs 34, 35.

Wednesday 18th May

English Literacy Assessment.

In the morning, the children had their literacy Assessment in English.

Maths: Adding 3 numbers

CW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 6, 7, 8.

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva:

Darba matul il-lejl smajt ħoss.

It-tfal iridu jsemmu x’kien il-ħoss li semgħu, kif ħassewhom, x’għamlu u x’kien dak il-ħoss li semgħu.

English: Phonics- the ew and eu sound.

Phonics Bug worksheets: ew and eu sound.

Crafts: Creating the Lion king masks.

For tomorrow revise:

Maths- Symmetry pg 42.

English- Questions pgs 10, 11.

Malti- In-negattiv pg 29.

Għal nhar l-Erbgħa studja kliem bil-Malti numri 97-108.

Monday 16th May

Maths- Symmetry

The children learnt that symmetry is a mirror image, a line of symmetry should be dotted and what there is on one side should be reflected on the other side.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 32.

HW: Maths workbook 48.

English: Creative Writing

My favourite person.

The children will write a paragraph on their favourite persons. We will do the plan together and they will write it on their Assessment Paper. Describe him physically and characterwise.

HW: Comprehension on their Assessment Paper: Kate

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem: Pippa.

Malti karta tal-Assessjar.

Religion: Inħares ftit ‘l bogħod minni.

Workbook pgs 123-124.

Friday 13th May

Maths- Rounding to the nearest 10.

The children have to remember that when we have a 2 digit number they have to look at the last number, if it ends with 1, 2, 3 and 4 it will be rounded to the tens that comes before it, if it ends with a 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, it will be rounded to the tens that comes after it. For example 28 comes between 20 and 30, it ends with an 8 so it is nearer to 30 than 20. 21 also comes between 20 and 30 but it ends with a 1 so it is nearer to 20 than 30.

CW: Maths workbook 3 pg 26.

On copybook:

Round to the nearest 10

  1. 48=____.
  2. 34=____.
  3. 23=____.
  4. 47=____.
  5. 56=____.
  6. 63=____.
  7. 66=____.
  8. 39=____.
  9. 41=____.
  10. 49=___.
  11. 86=____.
  12. 94=____.

HW: Maths workbook pgs 54, 55.

English: Phonics ‘or’ sound

Language book pg 154.

Listening: Language book pg 153.

CW: Practice book pgs 120, 122.

HW: Practice book pgs 123, 124.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem: Il-Bajja s-Sabiħa

TM 3b pg 58.

HW: TM 3b pg 59.

Studji Soċjali: Mezzi tat-trasport ta’ Malta illum u dari

workbook pgs 94-97.

Thursday 12th May

Maths- Rounding to the nearest 10

The children have to remember that when we have a 2 digit number they have to look at the last number, if it ends with 1, 2, 3 and 4 it will be rounded to the tens that comes before it, if it ends with a 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, it will be rounded to the tens that comes after it. For example 28 comes between 20 and 30, it ends with an 8 so it is nearer to 30 than 20. 21 also comes between 20 and 30 but it ends with a 1 so it is nearer to 20 than 30.

CW: Maths workbook pg 52.

HW: Maths workbook pg 53.

English: Verbs in the past tense

CW: Language book pg 151 ex 1

HW: Practice book pg 125.

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva


Mill-ktejjeb tal-Malti, it-tfal kellhom stampi u riedu jiktbu s-sentenzi fuq l-istampi li qed jaraw fil-workbook.


8.2 Salvani

workbook pgs 121-122

Wednesday 11th May

Maths- Rounding to the nearest 10

The children have to remember that when we have a 2 digit number they have to look at the last number, if it ends with 1, 2, 3 and 4 it will be rounded to the tens that comes before it, if it ends with a 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, it will be rounded to the tens that comes after it. For example 28 comes between 20 and 30, it ends with an 8 so it is nearer to 30 than 20. 21 also comes between 20 and 30 but it ends with a 1 so it is nearer to 20 than 30.

CW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 24, 25.

English- Creative Writing.

From the Language book pg 155, the children are going to look at the pictures that they have and they need to write a paragraph on the story that they have, on their foolscaps.

Malti: Il-Partiċelli.

CW: Ktejjeb tal-Malti pg 51.

Science- The electric Circuit


From the study books revise:

Maths: Nearest ten pg 43.

English: Verbs pg 24.

Malti: Partiċelli pg 35.

Studja Kliem tal-Malti għal nhar l-Erbgħa numri 85-96.

Tuesday 10th May

Maths- Ordering numbers from largest to smallest

CW: Maths workbook 3 pg 3.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 4, 5.

English- Irregular Past tense verbs

CW: Language book pg 152 ex 1 on copybook.

HW: Language book pg 152 ex 2 on copybook.

Malti: Verbi fil-preżent

CW: TM 3b pg 53.

Studji Soċjali: Iċ-Ciklu tal-ilma.

Workbook: pgs 91-92.

Monday 9th May

Maths- Ordering numbers from 1 to 100.

CW: Maths workbook 3 pg 1.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pg 2.

English- Comprehension Chuckle with Charlie and Chip.

Language book pgs 148-149, 150-151.

Fluency book: pgs 40, 41. Well done Ben!

Listening: Listen to what happened. Language book pg 153.

Malti- Verbi fil-preżent

TM 3b pg 61.

Religion: 8.1 Ferħanin li nkunu flimkien.

Workbook pgs 119-120.

Friday 6th May

English- Creative Writing: The Greedy Dog.

The children were given 4 pictures from the English workbook pg 43 and they had to write a paragraph on what happened to the dog in the pictures.

Maths- Halving numbers

CW: Maths workbook 3 pg 21.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 22, 23.

English- The negative of the Present tense.

HW on copybook: Turn into the negative

  1. I know how to spell.
  2. The man knows how to drive.
  3. Maria is cooking pizza.
  4. The dog is eating a bone.
  5. I like to drink milk.
  6. Tania likes to dance.
  7. Mario and Janice are friends.
  8. I am going to school.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem

Il-Festi. Is-silta tinqara minn TM 3a pg 55.

Wara jwieġbu l-mistoqsijiet fuq fulscap.

Studji Soċjali: Il-flora u l-Fauna li nsibu fil-gżejjer Maltin

Workbook pgs 87-90.

Thursday 5th May

Maths- halving a number

The children learnt halving bigger numbers by using the tens and ones method.

CW on copybook:


  1. Half 30=
  2. Half 36=
  3. Half 40=
  4. Half 60=
  5. Half 58=
  6. Half 56=
  7. Half 70=
  8. Half 72=
  9. Half 90=
  10. Half 92=
  11. Half 100=
  12. Half 82=

HW on copybook:


  1. Half 90=
  2. Half 80=
  3. Half 56=
  4. Half 50=
  5. Half 62=
  6. Half 82=
  7. Half 100=
  8. Half 40=
  9. Half 36=
  10. Half 42=
  11. Half 58=
  12. Half 96=

English- Phonics

Words with u and ou, u-e

Phonics worksheets.

Malti- Aġġettivi u Plural

HW: Handout

Religion: Naħdmu ħa nimxu dritt

workbook pgs 115, 116, 117.

Wednesday 4th May

Maths- half of a number

The children learnt halving bigger numbers by using the tens and ones method.

CW on Maths copybook:


  1. Half 20=
  2. Half 30=
  3. Half 40=
  4. Half 50=
  5. Half 60=
  6. Half 70=
  7. Half 80=
  8. Half 90=
  9. Half 100=
  10. Half 62=
  11.  Half 42=
  12. Half 56=

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva

Il-festa tar-raħal tiegħi.

It-tfal kitbu paragrafu dwar il-festa tar-raħal ta’ Ħal Luqa.

Min hu l-padrun tar-raħal? x’jiġri fil-festi? kif niċċelebrawha?

English- The negative of the present tense.

Using does not and do not.

For example: Paul does not like spaghetti.

CW on copybook: Turn into the negative

  1. I like pizza.
  2. My mum likes to go walking.
  3. My dad likes to sing.
  4. Marco is eating spaghetti.
  5. The dog is eating a bone.
  6. The driver is driving the bus.

Science- The electric circuit.

The children will understand that for electricity to run through the circuit, the wire needs to be connected to the battrey which then gives it energy to light.

Science worksheets

Tuesday 3rd May

Maths- halves

To half a number you need to split it into tens and ones and then add their half together for example:

half of 26: 26 is made up of 20 and 6, half 20 is 10 half 6 is 3, therefore 10+3=13 so half 26 is 13.

CW on copybook:


  1. Half of 2=
  2. Half of 4=
  3. Half of 8=
  4. Half of 10=
  5. Half of 12=
  6. Half of 14=
  7. Half of 20=
  8. Half of 22=
  9. Half of 24=
  10. Half of 30=

HW on copybook:


  1. Half of 10=
  2. Half of 12=
  3. Half of 6=
  4. Half of 24=
  5. Half of 28=
  6. Half of 30=
  7. Half of 40=
  8. Half of 14=
  9. Half of 16=
  10. Half of 18=
  11. Half of 8=
  12. Half of 26=

English- Direct speech.

Direct Speech is used in conversations, when someone is talking.

Language book pg 143.

Practice book pg 115.

Malti: Il-Partiċelli

HW: TM 3b pgs 66, 67.

Religion 7.7 Nindunaw u nibdlu t-triq.

Workbook pgs 113-114.

Friday 29th April

Maths- Doubles up to 50.

CW: Maths workbook 2 pg 31.

HW: On Maths copybook.


  1. 40+40=
  2. 42+42=
  3. 50+50=
  4. 38+38=
  5. 45+45=
  6. 41+41=
  7. 36+36=
  8. 49+49=
  9. 48+48=
  10. 32+32=
  11. 20+20=
  12. 28+28=

English: Creative Writing

Write a paragraph forming a story regarding pictures in Language book pg 147.

CW: Language book pgs 144 ex 2, 146 all

HW: Practice book pgs 114, 116, 117, 118.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem: Ix-xewqa ta’ Samwel.

Ktejjeb tal-Malti pgs 45-47.

Studji Soċjali workbook pgs 83-86

Thursday 28th April

Maths- Doubles between 41-50.

To learn the answer of large double numbers like 34, split the number into tens and ones:

eg: 34 is made up of 30 and 4. double 30 is 60 and double 4 is 8, therefore 60 +8= 68.

CW on Maths copybook:

Double numbers

  1. 15+15=
  2. 22+22=
  3. 20+20=
  4. 40+40=
  5. 30+30=
  6. 36+36=
  7. 18+18=
  8. 21+21=
  9. 33+33=
  10. 50+50=
  11. 17+17=
  12. 13+13=

HW: workbook 3 pg 14.

English: Masculine and Feminine

Masculine refers to a man and feminine refers to a lady.

English Hw on copybook:

Masculine and Feminine

  1. man
  2. brother
  3. uncle
  4. king
  5. son
  6. father
  7. husband
  8. bull

Malti: Aġġettivi u Singular u Plural.

It-tfal tgħallmu jużaw l-aġġettivi f’nomi li jkunu fis-singular u Plural.

CW: Worksheet.

Religion: 7.6 Li nobdi mhux dejjem faċli

workbook pgs 111-112.

Wednesday 27th April

Maths-Doubles between 41-50

To learn the answer of large double numbers like 34, split the number into tens and ones:

eg: 34 is made up of 30 and 4. double 30 is 60 and double 4 is 8, therefore 60 +8= 68.

CW on Maths copybook:

Adding Doubles

  1. 40+40=
  2. 42+42=
  3. 36+36=
  4. 20+20=
  5. 18+18=
  6. 34+34=
  7. 30+30=
  8. 41+41=
  9. 45+45=
  10. 26+26=
  11. 46+46=
  12. 50+50=

English: Revision of Common and Proper Nouns.

Remember that common Nouns are names of places, things, animals and persons.

Proper Nouns are names and they should always start with a capital letter.

CW: On English copybook:

Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns:

  1. My mum went to London.
  2. The dog was walking in Regent Street.
  3. My grandma lives in Tarxien.
  4. In Summer we go to swim at Gnejna Bay.
  5. Max went running after his little brother.
  6. Dad took us for a ride to Buskett.
  7. I go to Luqa Primary school.
  8. My cousins were playing football in Ta’ Qali.

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva

Mill-ktieb TM 3b pg 70 se jisimghu Rapport dwar is-separazzjoni tal-iskart.

Wara, fuq il-ktieb stess se jiktbu xi sentenzi dwar dak li jkunu semghu.

Science- The electric circuit.

After watching the video, the children will understand that a wire needs to be connected properly so that electricity will flow through it and it will generate enough volts to light up the bulb.

Work out the electricity worksheet.

Tuesday 26th April

Maths- Doubles up till 40

To learn the answer of large double numbers like 34, split the number into tens and ones:

eg: 34 is made up of 30 and 4. double 30 is 60 and double 4 is 8, therefore 60 +8= 68.

CW: workbook 2 pg 31.

HW: on orange copybook:


  1. 14+14=
  2. 18+18=
  3. 13+13=
  4. 15+15=
  5. 11+11=
  6. 12+12=
  7. 20+20=
  8. 30+30=
  9. 25+25=
  10. 28+28=
  11. 34+34=
  12. 40+40=

Malti: Il-Particelli

Dawn huma kliem qosra li juruk fejn jinsab xi hadd jew xi haga.

CW: TM 3b pg 65.

HW: TM 3b pg 66.

English: reading oxford reading tree. (book under the table).

Studji Socjali: Workbook pgs 78-80

Monday 25th April

Maths- Doubles up till 20

CW on Maths copybook:


  1. 7+7=
  2. 6+6=
  3. 3+3=
  4. 10+10=
  5. 15+15=
  6. 16+16=
  7. 20+20=
  8. 14+14=
  9. 19+19=
  10. 18+18=
  11. 12+12=
  12. 9+9=

CW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 29, 30.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 12, 13.

English: Fluency At the Castle: pgs 38-39.

Comprehension: A clever Dog LB pgs 140-141

142-143 (orally).

Malti: Il-Partiċelli

Dawn huma kliem qosra li juruk fejn jinsab xi ħadd jew xi ħaġa u jagħtu sens lis-sentenzi.

TM 3 b pgs 64 hw

Religion: 7.5 Il-Parabbola taż-żewġt aħwa

workbook pgs 109-110.

Book Week: For the 25th of April the children need to create a book character using a wooden spoon. These are some of the examples:

Please bring these wooden spoon characters during the week: 25th-29th April. Thanks

Tuesday 12th April

Maths- Division by 2,3,4,5,10

CW: Maths workbook pg 42.

HW: Maths workbook pgs 1, 14, 43, 44.

English- Revision of Grammar

CW: 2 handouts of a or an

HW: English workbook pgs 4, 5.

Malti: Il-Plural Regolari

CW: TM 3b pg 27.

HW: Ktejjeb tal-Malti pgs 31-33.

Studji Soċjali: Il-Ħwienet ta’ dari ikkumparati mall-ħwienet tal-lum il-ġurnata.

Workbook pg 80.

Book Week: For the 25th of April the children need to create a book character using a wooden spoon. These are some of the examples:

Please bring these wooden spoon characters during the week: 25th-29th April. Thanks

The children can create one or more characters.

Monday 11th April

Maths- Division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

CW: Maths workbook pg 37.

HW: On Maths copybook


  1. 15÷5=
  2. 10÷2=
  3. 20÷4=
  4. 9÷3=
  5. 12÷4=
  6. 25÷5=
  7. 60÷10=
  8. 18÷3=
  9. 16÷4=
  10. 50÷5=
  11. 22÷2=
  12. 24÷2=

English: Fluency book pgs 36-37.

Language book: pgs 130-133.

HW: Practice book pg 103.

Malti: Plural regolari

Il-Plural regolari huwa dak il-kliem li jispiċċa: ien, ijiet, a tinbidel i

Aqra Malti Noti pgs 33-34.

CW: TM 3b pgs 25, 28

Science: The 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Friday 8th April

Maths- Revision of division

CW: Maths workbook pg 38.

HW: Maths workbook pg 39, 40 and 41 (coloumn 2).


Language book pg 134.

CW: PB pgs 107, 108, 109.

HW: PB pgs 104, 105, 106.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem

TM 3b pgs 62-63.

Studji Soċjali:

workbook pgs 78-82

Thursday 7th April

Maths- Division by 3 and 4.

CW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 36, 38.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 35, 37.

English- Past Continous

CW: English workbook pg 21.

Exercise on English copybook.

Malti: Singular u Plural

CW: TM 3b pg 23.

HW: TM 3b pgs 22, 24.

Religion: 7.4 Naħdmu biex ma ngħidux le lil Ġesu’

Workbook pgs 107-108.

Wednesday 6th April

Maths- Division by 5 and 10

The children learnt the division by the share and group method

CW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 36, 37.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 33, 34.

Monday 4th April

Maths- Division by 5 and 10

The children will learn the division by the share and group method.

For example: 25÷5=

Draw 5 circles and the children need to group each group equally so that 25 will be shared amongst 5 groups. Thus 25÷5=5.

The same will be done with 10. The children will realise that they will be using the same numbers as multiples of 5 and 10.

CW: Maths workbook 2 pg 35.

HW on copybook: Divide by 5

  1. 5÷5=
  2. 15÷5=
  3. 25÷5=
  4. 30÷5=
  5. 10÷5=
  6. 20÷5=
  7. 35÷5=
  8. 55÷5=
  9. 40÷5=
  10. 45÷5=
  11. 60÷5=
  12. 50÷5=

English: Listening The flag colours Language book pg 135.

Fluency book pgs 36-37

Comprehension: When the clock struck 12

Language book pgs 130-131, 132-133 (orally in class)

HW: English workbook pg 22.

Malti: Il-Prepozizzjonijiet (go, fuq, taht, wara, quddiem, bejn, magenb, hdejn)

Dawn huma kliem qosra li juru fejn qeghdin in-nies jew l-affarijiet.

Religion: 7.3 Ingib ruhi sew

workbook pgs 105-106

Friday 1st April

Maths- division by 3

Maths CW on copybook:

Divide by 3

  1. 3÷3=
  2. 6÷3=
  3. 12÷3=
  4. 30÷3=
  5. 15÷3=
  6. 9÷3=
  7. 33÷3=
  8. 18÷3=
  9. 36÷3=
  10. 21÷3=
  11. 27÷3=
  12. 24÷3=

Maths hw on copybook:

Divide by 3

  1. 9÷3=
  2. 18÷3=
  3. 27÷3=
  4. 3÷3=
  5. 12÷3=
  6. 15÷3=
  7. 6÷3=
  8. 24÷3=
  9. 33÷3=
  10. 21÷3=
  11. 36÷3=
  12. 30÷3=

English: Language book pgs 126, 128.

CW: Practice book pgs 98, 101.

HW: Practice book pgs 99, 100, 102.

Malti: L-Imperattiv

HW fuq il-pitazz.

  1. __________ it-tieqa. (nagħlaq).
  2. __________ il-ħomework. (nikteb).
  3. __________ stampa sabiħa. (tpinġi).
  4. __________ kanzunetta sabiħa. (tkanta).
  5. __________ iż-żifna. (niżfnu).
  6. __________ l-għaġin. (niekol).
  7. __________ ħa tmur tajjeb. (nistudja).
  8. ___________ lin-nanna. (nċempel).

Religion: 7.2 Kif inħossuna?

Workbook pgs 103-104.

For next Friday study Tricky words numbers 221-230.

Wednesday 30th March

Maths-division by 2

CW on copybook:

Division by 2

  1. 10÷2=
  2. 20÷2=
  3. 4÷2=
  4. 8÷2=
  5. 12÷2=
  6. 16÷2=
  7. 22÷2=
  8. 24÷2=
  9. 18÷2=
  10. 2÷2=
  11. 6÷2=
  12. 14÷2=

HW on copybook:

Division by 2

  1. 14÷2=
  2. 20÷2=
  3. 24÷2=
  4. 6÷2=
  5. 16÷2=
  6. 18÷2=
  7. 4÷2=
  8. 30÷2=
  9. 26÷2=
  10. 8÷2=
  11. 12÷2=
  12. 28÷2=

English- Present Continous

HW on copybook: Present Continous

  1. The boy is __________, (skip).
  2. The car is __________ (stop).
  3. The man is _________ the nail. (hit).
  4. Who is _________ the race? (win).
  5. I am __________. (run).
  6. The girl is ___________. (hum).
  7. He is ___________ the others. (follow).
  8. The lady is _________ the shopping. (carry).

Malti-Taħriġ il-Fehem

In-Nani Ġe u Ġu.

TM 3a pgs 60, 61.

Studji Soċjali- workbook pgs 75-77.

Għal nhar l-Erbgħa studjaw il-Kliem bil-Malti 2 numri 48-60.

Tuesday 29th March

Maths- division by 2

The children learnt the division by sharing the amount equally.

Maths CW on copybook:

Divide by 2

  1. 2÷2=
  2. 6÷2=
  3. 10÷2=
  4. 16÷2=
  5. 20÷2=
  6. 8÷2=
  7. 18÷2=
  8. 4÷2=
  9. 12÷2=
  10. 22÷2=
  11. 24÷2=
  12. 26÷2=

Maths hw on copybook:

Divide by 2

  1. 8÷2=
  2. 10÷2=
  3. 4÷2=
  4. 6÷2=
  5. 16÷2=
  6. 14÷2=
  7. 18÷2=
  8. 20÷2=
  9. 2÷2=
  10. 12÷2=
  11. 24÷2=
  12. 22÷2=

English Comprehension: Rivers and Streams.

Language book pgs 122-123

124-125 (orally in class).

HW: Answer the comprehension questions on a foolscap.

Malti: L-Imperattiv

CW: Eżerċizzju fuq il-pitazz.

Religion: 7.1 Nagħmel dak li nwiegħed.

workbook pgs 101-102.

Friday 25th March

In the morning, the children did the Malti Assessment.

Maths CW: Workbook 2 pg 27.

HW: Workbook 2 pgs 26, 28.

English hw on copybook: Prepositions

Malti HW fuq pitazz:

Verbi fil-preżent

  1. Jien _____ radju. (tisma).
  2. Int ___ ħafna. (ġirja).
  3. Peter _____ it-torta. (tiekol).
  4. Il-mama’ ______ l-għaġin (sajjar).
  5. Aħna ______ ktieb (jaqraw).
  6. Intom ______ kanzunetta (jkantaw).

Studji Soċjali; Il-ħwienet ta’ dari

Workbook book pgs 63-69.

Thursday 24th March

In the morning, the children did the Maths Assessment.

Malti CW fuq pitazz:

  1. Daħħal il-vokali:
  2. q__tt__s.
  3. q__lb.
  4. r__ġ__n__.
  5. t__p__t.
  6. t__ff__ħ__.
  7. k__mpj__t__r.
  8. Aqsam f’sillabi
  9. qanpiena- _________.
  10. Suldat -_______.
  11. Mera- _______.
  12. Skola ______.
  13. Umbrella _________.
  14. Kompjuter ________.
  15. Uniformi ______.
  16. Xadina ______.

Ċ. Aqta’ linja taħt in-nomi

  1. It-tfal marru l-iskola.
  2. Id-dragun kien għassa mall-kastell.
  3. Oħti lagħbet bil-ballun.
  4. Ommi marret tixtri mill-Belt Valletta.

Ikteb Aġġettiv:

  1. reġina ______
  2. baħar _____
  3. pirati _____
  4. granċ _____

English- We did class correction of yesterday’s Assessment.

Please sign the English Assessment. You can send it next Monday.

Religion- 6.6 Sabu l-ġebla mgerbba u l-qabar vojt.

workbook pgs 97, 98, 99.

Wednesday 23rd March

In the morning, the children worked the English Assessment.

Maths- Cw on copybook:

Multiply by 2, 5 or 10

  1. 2×5=
  2. 2×10=
  3. 3×2=
  4. 6×5=
  5. 8×5=
  6. 3×10=
  7. 4×10=
  8. 11×2=

Tens and ones

  1. 14 ___ tens ___ ones.
  2. 28 ___ tens ___ ones.
  3. 32 ___ tens ____ ones.
  4. 49 ___ tens ____ ones
  1. 50 ___ tens ___ ones.
  2. 21 ___ tens ___ ones.
  3. 26 ___ tens ___ ones.
  4. 39 ___ tens ___ ones.
  5. 45 ___ tens ___ ones.

Malti- CW fuq pitazz.

Crafts: Creating a Cross (feast of our Lady of Sorrows) and filling it with crepe paper.

Tomorrow the children have their Maths Assessment. Bring a good ruler and they can also use a number grid.

Tuesday 22nd March

Maths- 2d and 3 d shapes revision

CW on Maths copybook:

  1. Name the shapes
  2.       = ______
  3.       = ______
  4.       = ______
  5. What is a pentagon? = ______
  • 3-D Shapes
  • 3D shapes for kids: Cuboid -KidspotCuboid = __ faces, __ vertices, __ edges.
  • Cone Shape Geometry Area, PNG, 512x512px, Cone, Area, Black And White,  Geometry, Party Download FreeCone = __ faces, __ vertices, __ edges.
  • Square pyramid projection straight and dashed linePyramid = __ faces, __ vertices, __edges.
  • Cube shape design Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStockCube = __ faces, __ vertices, __ edges.

HW on Maths copybook:

  1. What is the time?
  2. 5:00 ___________
  3. 8:30 ___________
  4. 9:30 ___________
  5. 7:00 ___________
  6. 4:00 ___________
  7. 6:30 ___________
  8. 9:00 ___________
  9. 3:30 ____________

B 3-D Shapes

  1. 3D shapes for kids: Cuboid -KidspotCuboid = __ faces, __ vertices, __ edges.
  2. Cone Shape Geometry Area, PNG, 512x512px, Cone, Area, Black And White,  Geometry, Party Download FreeCone = __ faces, __ vertices, __ edges.
  3. Square pyramid projection straight and dashed linePyramid = __ faces, __ vertices, __edges.
  4. Cube shape design Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStockCube = __ faces, __ vertices, __ edges.

English- Singular and Plural

HW on copybook:

Turn into the past tense:

  1. Dad ____ a car. (buy)
  2. I ____ down on the sofa. (sit).
  3. Mum ____ a letter. (write).
  4. The dog ____ away. (run).
  5. She ____ to Valletta. (go).
  6. I ____ my homework. (do).
  7. The teacher ____ us. (teach).
  8. The baby ____ the vase. (break).

Malti- Taħriġ il-Fehem

TM 3a pgs 34, 35

Il-Ġungla fl-Indja

Social Studies- Il-ħwienet differenti

workbook pgs 63-65.

Monday 21st March

Maths- Adding coins and using the fewest amount of coins possible

Maths Cw on copybook:

Use the fewest coins to make:

  1. 6c=
  2. 12c=
  3. 40c=
  4. 45c=
  5. 36c=
  6. 27c=
  7. 60c=
  8. 34c=
  9. 52c=
  10. 47c=

Maths hw on copybook:

  1. Adding coins:
  2. 5c+5c=
  3. 10c+20c+10c=
  4. 50c+10c=
  5. 2c+5c+10c+20c=
  6. 50c+50c=
  7. 20c+10c+50c=
  8. Write the fewest amount of coins
  9. 60c=
  10. 25c=
  11. 36c=
  12. 80c=
  13. 15c=
  14. 28c=
  15. 49c=
  16. 150c=
  17. 37c=
  18. 54c=

English Comprehension- Sharks

workbook pgs 45-46.

Malti- Revizjoni L-Artiklu

HW fuq il-pitazz.

Religion 6.5 Wieqfa taħt is-salib

Workbookpgs 95-96.

Friday 18th March

Maths- Length in cm

HW on Maths copybook:

Draw lines:

  1. 4 cm
  2. 5.3 cm
  3. 9.2 cm
  4. 8 cm
  5. 3.3 cm
  6. 12 cm
  7. 7.4 cm
  8. 13 cm
  9. 8.5 cm
  10.  10 cm


  1. 55+6=
  2. 85+3=
  3. 54+4=
  4. 14+18=
  5. 63+7=
  6. 58+12=
  7. 47+9=
  8. 67+14=

English- Present and Past tense

English CW on copybook:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective
  2. The elephant is very _____.
  3. The _____ snake lives in Africa.
  4. The lion is a very ____ animal.
  5. My ______ sock has a hole in it.
  6. Does ______ music hurt your ears?
  1. Write the plural form of each noun.
  2. Star –
  3.  Lady –
  4. Fox –
  5. Wish –
  6. Table –
  7. Child –
  8. Potato –
  9. Mouse –
  10. Knife –
  11. Woman –

HW: English workbook pgs 23, 24.

Malti: Nomi Komuni u Propji

HW fuq il-pitazz:

  1. Daħħal l-artiklu
  2. ___ għeneb
  3. ___ torta
  4. ___ pjanta
  5. ___ riga
  6. ___ żunżana
  7. ___ xemx
  8. ___ serp
  9. ___ qattus
  1. Agħmel sing taħt nomi Propji u Komuni
  2. Marta xtrat lapes u gomma.
  3. Il-papa`mar Għawdex bil-vapur.
  4. Ħija kiel larinġa, tuffieħa u kiwi.
  5. Fir-razzett ta’ Ġanni nsibu baqra,żiemel u tiġieġ.
  6. It-tfal imorru l-iskola kuljum.

Religion: 6.4 Jien nista’ nkun Xmun

workbook pgs 93-94.

Thursday 17th March

Maths- Time analogue and half past

HW on Maths copybook.

Change to digital

  1. 4 o’clock ______.
  2. Half past 6 ____.
  3. Half past 3 _____.
  4. 9 o’clock _____.
  5. 8 o’clock _____.
  6. Half past 1 ______.
  7. Half past 4 _____.
  8. 12 o’clock ____.
  9. 3 o’clock _____.
  10. Half past 10 ____.
  11. Half past 12 ____.
  12. 1 o’clock ____.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem


Workbook pgs 28-30.

English: Revision of singular and Plural.

For tomorrow study the Tricky words numbers 211-220

Wednesday 16th March

Maths- Multiply x2 x5 x10

CW: Maths workbook pgs 40 and 41 (the first column only).

English: Common and Proper Nouns

CW on English copybook:

  1. Underline all the nouns and circle the adjectives.
  2. My nephew calls me uncle Paul.

2.     The ram  gazes in a big field.

. The drake swims in a shallow pond.

E. Change these words into the plural

1. boy – _________.

2. baby – _________.

3. dwarf – __________.

4. leaf – ___________.

5. wife – _________.

6. child – ___________.

7. tooth – __________.

8. goose – __________.

Malti- Verbi fil-passat

CW fuq il-pitazz.

Tuesday 15th March

Maths- Adding 2 digit numbers

CW on Maths copybook.


  1. 14+21=
  2. 28+25=
  3. 36+21=
  4. 35+20=
  5. 28+34=
  6. 39+32=
  7. 37+45=
  8. 47+50=
  9. 46+32=
  10. 52+37=

HW on Maths copybook.

English- A or an

CW- Worksheet

HW on copybook.


  1. Put a or an
  2. My mum cooked ___ chocolate cake.
  3. I eat ___ apple ____ day.
  4. Samantha read ____ book every week.
  5. Conrad has ___ son and ____ daughter.
  6. _____ Eskimo lives in ____ igloo.
  • Write this or these
  • _______ is my mum.
  • _______ are Jill’s books.
  • _______ is his bicycle.
  • _______ is Tom’s pet.
  • _______ are my grandparents.
  • Write that or those
  • ________ is my father’s car.
  • ________ are Amy’s books.
  • ________ are their colours.
  • ________ is my teacher.
  • ________ is Karl’s pencil.

Malti- Il-Konsonanti Qamrin u Xemxin

CW fuq il-pitazz.

Write today’s temperature on the weather forecast worksheet.

Today the children are going to bring a questionnaire about their health which was given to them by the school’s nurse. When you have time, please fill it and bring it back to school.

Monday 14th March

Maths- Sequencing numbers

HW: On Maths copybook:

Fill in the missing numbers

  1. 4, 6, ___, ___, ___.
  2. 3, 6, ___, ___, ___.
  3. 4, 8 , ___, ___, ___.
  4. 5, 10, ___, ___, ___.
  5. 18, 20, ___, ___, ___.
  6. 20, 25, ___, ___, ___.
  7. 18, 21, ___, ___, ___.
  8. 2, 4, ___, ___, ____.
  9. 30, 35, ___, ___, ___.
  10. 16, 20, ___, ___, ___.
  11. 22, 20, ___, ___, ___.
  12. 50, 45, ___, ___, ___.

English- Comprehension- Tigers

Workbook pgs 47-48.

Malti- Reviżjoni tal-Konsonanti

HW fuq pitazz:


  1. Kemm hemm ittri?
  2. Ħamiema = ____ ittri         2.għalqa = _____ittri

3.    bużżieqa =  ______ ittri      4. Sriedak = ____ ittri

5.   ballun = _______          6. Ċwievet = ____ ittri

B. Aqsam f’konsonanti u vokali

1. karawett , vokali = ______, konsonanti = ______.

2. banju, vokali = _______, konsonanti = ______.

3. ġulbiena, vokali = ______, konsonanti = ______.

4. kantuniera, vokali = _________, konsonanti = _________.

5. ballerina, vokali = __________, konsonanti = __________.

6. żurżieqa, vokali = ________, konsonanti = ____________.

Ċ Aqsam f’Sillabi

Kelma                            Sillabi








Religion: 6.3 Xmun jgħin lil Pietru

Workbook pgs 91-92.

This week is STEM week and we are going to do topics related to the weather. During this week, the children need to see the weather on television and mark it on their worksheet (where there is evening) and write today’s temperature.

Friday 11th March

Maths- Multiply by 5

CW: On Maths copybook:

Multiply by 5

  1. 6×5=
  2. 7×5=
  3. 9×5=
  4. 1×5=
  5. 2×5=
  6. 5×5=
  7. 12×5=
  8. 10×5=
  9. 3×5=
  10. 11×5=
  11. 4×5=
  12. 8×5=

HW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 23, 24, 25.

English: Adverbs

The children learnt what adverbs are.

CW: Practice book pgs 95, 96, 97.

HW: Practice book pgs 90, 91, 94.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem: Il-Prinċipessa Klara

Workbook pgs 15-16.

HW fuq il-pitazz:

Daħħal il-verbi:

  1. L-għasfur (tar) _______ fuq siġra.
  2. Il-papa’ (tibjid) ________ id-dar.
  3. Aħna (morna) ________ passiġata.
  4. Ix-xadina (kielet) _________ banana.
  5. Ir-raġel (saq) ________ il-mutur.
  6. Il-kelb beda (nebaħ) ____________.

Studji Soċjali: Il-Ħwienet

Workbook pgs 60-62.

Thursday 10th March

Maths- Adding in 10s and take away in 10s

CW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 15, 16.

HW: workbook 2 pgs 20, 21, 22.

Malti: kitba Kreattiva: Il-Papa’ tiegħi


X’jismu l-papa’?

Kemm għandu żmien?

Niddeskrivuh: x’kulur hu xagħru u għajnejh?

Jekk hux raġel twil/qasir, oħxon/irqiq.

Xinhu l-ikel favorit tiegħu? Xi jħobb jixrob?

Għalfejn inħobb il-papa’ tiegħi?

Wara t-tfal ingħataw ftit ħin sabiex jiktbu paragrafu dwar il-papa’ tagħhom.

English: Verbs

The children learnt what verbs are and what they are used for.

CW: Practice book pgs 92, 93.

HW: Practice book pgs 88, 89.

Religion: 6.2 Jien ukoll kont hemm u rajtu

workbook pgs 89, 90.

Study the English Tricky words for tomorrow. Numbers 201-210.

Wednesday 9th March

Maths- Adding and Take away 10

CW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 13, 14.

English: Creative Writing

My Mum

We did the planning together: Her name, her age

describe her: tall/short, the colour of her hair and her eyes.

Use adjectives: for example: She is a pretty lady.

Her favourite food and drink.

What are her hobbies?

Why do I love my mum?

Then the children were given some minutes to write their paragraph.

Malti: Verbi fil-preżent

CW: TM 3b pg 52.

Science: Living and non-living things


Studja Kliem tal-Malti numri 37-48 għall nhar l-Erbgħa.

Tuesday 8th March

March- Multiply by 3

CW on copybook:

Multiply by 3

  1. 6×3=
  2. 8×3=
  3. 10×3=
  4. 12×3=
  5. 9×3=
  6. 11×3=
  7. 1×3=
  8. 3×3=
  9. 5×3=
  10. 2×3=
  11. 4×3=
  12. 7×3=

Number workbook 2 pgs 9, 10.

HW: Number workbook 2 pgs 11, 12.

English- Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

CW on the English copybook: Turn into the comparative and superlative:

  1. big
  2. thin
  3. thick
  4. brave
  5. smart
  6. cheap
  7. bad
  8. quiet

Malti: Verbi fil-preżent

HW: Tm 3b pg 60.

Crafts for women’s day: A bouqet of flowers

Monday 7th March

Malths- Multiply by 3.

CW on Maths Copybook:

HW: Maths workbook pgs 29-30.

English Comprehension: Unit 13 Weather

Read the text in Language book pgs 114-115.

HW: On the English copybook work out pgs 116-117.

Read Fluency book pgs 32-33.

Malti Verbi fil-preżent

CW: TM 3b pg 48.

Religion: 6.1 Meta ż-żerriegħa tikber.

Workbook pgs 87, 88.

Friday 4th March

Maths- Capacity.

The children learnt how to measure capacity in litres and milliltres.

They also learnt what empty, nearly empty, half full, nearly full and full means.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pgs 9, 10.

HW: On Maths copybook:


  1. 1 litre is ______ ml.
  • We measure capacity in ____ and _____.
  • Draw a glass that is:

Empty, nearly empty, half full, nearly full and full.

English- Comparative and Superlative Adjectives:

CW: Turn into comparative and superalative;

  1. strong
  2. old
  3. big
  4. short
  5. young
  6. thick

HW: Comparative and Superlative:

  1. Paul is _________ (tall) than John.
  2. Rebecca is the __________ (old) one.
  3. This book is _________ (thick) than the other one.
  4. Roger is _________ (short) than his brother.
  5. He is the ________ (short) of his family.
  6. Maria is the _______ (smart) in her class.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem: Librerija fuq ir-roti.

TM 3b pgs 20-21.

HW: TM 3b pg 37.

Religion: 5.8 In-nagħġa l-mitlufa

workbook pgs 86, 84, 85.

Studji Soċjali: Workbook pgs 56-62.

Study Tricky words numbers 201- 210 for next Friday’s dictation.

Thursday 3rd March

Maths- Capacity

The children will understand that capacity is the amount a container can hold.

We measure capacity in litres and ml. 1 litre is 1000 ml.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pgs 7, 8.

HW: Maths workbook pg 2.

Read Notes pg 22.

English- Comparative and Superlative adjectives

When we compare two people together we add er and when we compare 2 or more objects together we add est.

Read Notes pg 16 and 26.

HW: English workbook pg 30.

Malti: Studja kliem għad-dettatura numri 25-36.

Religion: 5.7 Dan ħażin jew tajjeb?

workbook pgs 81, 82.

Friday 25th February

Maths- Revision of x2 x4 x5 x10 Tables

Revise Maths Notes and learn these tables.

CW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 33-34.

HW: Maths workbook (white) pgs 35-36.

English: Creative Writing: Let’s write about the Fun House

Language book pg 111. They will look at the picture on the book, discuss and plan it and then they will write some sentences on a foolscap.

CW: Practice book pg 87.

HW: Practice book pgs 84-86.

Malti: Il-Karnival

CW: Malti workbook (abjad fil-locker) pg 1.

HW: Fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti:


  1. Fil-Karnival se nilbes ta’ __________________________.
  2. Il-kostum xtrahuli/ xtratuli ____________________.
  3. Hu kulur __________________.
  4. Fil-Karnival nħobb ___________________.
  5. L-iżjed ħaġa li togħġobni _______________________.
  6. Pinġi l-kostum li se tilbes:

Jisimgħu l-Innu tal-Karnival.

Thursday 24th February

Maths- x4 tables.

From the number grid, the children count in 4s and highlight the numbers and then write the x4 tables on the board.

See Maths Notes- Multiply by 4.

CW on Maths copybook:

Multiply by 4:

  1. 2×4=
  2. 4×4=
  3. 7×4=
  4. 6×4=
  5. 1×4=
  6. 9×4=
  7. 11×4=
  8. 12×4=
  9. 3×4=
  10. 5×4=
  11. 8×4=
  12. 10×4=

HW: Maths workbook pgs 35-36.

English- Opposites of Adjectives

The children will understand what opposites are.

See English Notes pgs 21-22.

CW: English workbook pg 18.

HW: English workbook pgs 19, 20.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem- Il-maskra tal-Karnival.

(handouts fil-locker)

Tinqara is-silta fil-klassi u t-tfal jwieġbu l-mistoqsijiet dwarha.

TM 3b pgs 14, 15.

Religion workbook: 5.6 Tumas m’emminx li kien Ġesu’

Workbook pgs 79, 80.

Tuesday 22nd February

Maths- Multiply by 10

The children learn that when there are groups of 10 and we multiply by 10, the answer always ends with a 0.

See Maths Notes pg 38.

CW: Maths worbkbook 1 pg 35.

HW: Maths workbook 1 pgs 36, 37.

CW on copybook:

Multiply by 10

  1. 4×10=
  2. 9×10=
  3. ___x10=100
  4. ___x10=60.
  5. 5×10=
  6. 12×10=
  7. ___x10=110.
  8. 3×10=
  9. 1×10=
  10. ___x10=20.
  11. ___x10=70.
  12. ___x10=80.

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva

It-tfal se jisimgħu r-rakkont dwar il-Kavallier ir-re Piju 2

Se jiktbu l-pjan u jniżżlu xi punti fuq il-ktieb TM 3b pg 19.

Fuq fulscap, se jiktbu xi sentenzi dwar dak li jkunu semgħu.

Is-smigħ jinsab:

English: Common and Proper Nouns.

The children remember that common nouns are names of people, places, animals and things. Proper Nouns are nouns that start with a capital letter as they are names.

CW: English workbook pg 3.

HW: Workbook pgs 1, 2.

Studji Soċjali: Workbook pgs 53-55

From the study books revise:

Maths x5 x10 pgs 37, 38.

English Nouns pg 6.

Malti Il-Verbi pgs 25-28.

Monday 21st February

Maths- Multiply by 5.

The children learned how to count in 5s and realised that when we multiply by 5 we are counting in 5s.

See Maths Notes pg 37.

CW: Number workbook 2 pg 32.

CW copybook:

Multiply by 5

  1. 4×5=
  2. 1×5=
  3. 8×5=
  4. 9×5=
  5. 3×5=
  6. 7×5=
  7. 10×5=
  8. 12×5=
  9. 2×5=
  10. 5×5=
  11. 11×5=
  12. 6×5=

HW: Maths workbook pgs 33-34.

English Comprehension: Fun House

Read the text from Language book pgs 104-105.

Pgs 106-107 were done orally in class.

HW: Practice book pgs 82-83.

Malti- L-Imperattiv

It-tfal jifhmu li Imperattiv huwa kmand u jintuża fil-pronom int u intom biss.

Bħala CW it-tfal kellhom eżerċizzju fuq il-pitazz:

Ikteb fl-imperattiv:

  1. __________ (noħroġ) mill-bieb.
  2. __________ (nagħlaq) it-tieqa.
  3. __________ (nixtru) il-ħelu.
  4. __________ (naqra) il-ktieb.
  5. __________ (nimxi) fuq il-bankina.
  6. __________ (nisma) ir-radju.

Religion: 5.5 Ġesu’ jqatta l-ġurnata magħna.

Workbook pgs 77-78.

Friday 18th February

Maths- Double up till 20.

The children will realise that doubles is the same as multiply by 2. We are adding the same number together and the answer will always be an even number.

CW: Maths workbook 2 pgs 7, 8.

HW: Maths workbook 3 pgs 12, 13.

English- Creative Writing

Listen to the story of Cinderella:

From the English workbook pg 17 the children have a picture story and they need to write some sentences about the story of Cinderella.

HW: Practice book pgs 78, 79.

Malti: Taħriġ il-Fehem

Fil-klassi, it-tfal se jisimgħu l-istorja: Fir-razzett ta’ Ġamri minn Ktejjeb tal-Malti pg 24. Wara se jwieġbu l-mistoqsijiet fuq paġna 25.

HW fuq il-pitazz tal- Malti: Verbi fil-passat.

  1. Jien ________ (immur) nixtri l-ħwejjeġ.
  2. Il-mama’ ___________ (ssajjar) l-għaġin.
  3. Il-papa’ __________ (jaħsel) il-karozza.
  4. Il-kelb _________ (jiġri) wara l-qattus.
  5. Il-farfett _________ (jtir) fuq fjura.
  6. Aħna ___________ (naqraw) ktieb.
  7. Ħija _________ (jifraħ) bir-riżultat tal-eżamijiet.
  8. Int __________ (titkellem) fuq it-telefon il-bieraħ.

Studji Soċjali: Workbook pgs 51-52.

Study the Tricky words numbers 191-200 for next Friday.

Thursday 17th February

Maths- multiply by 2

The children will learn that every answer is going to be an even number and when we multiply by 2 we count in 2s.

CW: Worbook 1 pg 34.

HW: Maths workbook pgs 27, 28.

English Present and Past tense

CW: Workbook pg 25.

HW: Workbook pg 31.

Music Lesson

Malti: Verbi fil-passat.

It-tfal ħadmu eżerċizzju fuq il-pitazz dwar verbi fil-passat.

PSCD lesson

Religion: Min jagħmilna ferħanin tassew

Workbook pgs 75-76.

Wednesday 16th February

Maths- x2 table

The children will learn that every answer is going to be an even number and when we multiply by 2 we count in 2s.

Play the x2 game on the mental maths train.

CW: Workbook 1 pgs 32, 33.

Maths copybook:

Multiply by 2

  1. 1×2=
  2. 3×2=
  3. 6×2=
  4. 10×2=
  5. 7×2=
  6. 9×2=
  7. 12×2=
  8. 5×2=
  9. 11×2=
  10. 2×2=
  11. 4×2=
  12. 8×2=

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva

Ikteb Avviż: It-tfal jitgħallmu x’inhu avviż billi jaraw eżempju. Jifhmu li jrid ikun qasir u konċiż. Dan hu eżempju ta’ avviż:

Fuq TM 3a pg 45 jagħmlu l-pjan tal-avviż umbagħad jiktbu l-avviż fuq fulscap.

English- Irregular Plurals.

Irregular Plurals are those plurals that change like child-children.

English CW:

Singular and Plural:

  1. child
  2. deer
  3. goose
  4. sheep
  5. ox
  6. mouse
  7. tuna
  8. woman

Crafts: A Carnival Mask craft

From the study books revise:

Maths- Odd & Even pg 17 x2 pg 34.

English Irregular Verbs pg 15

Malti Verbi fil-passat pg 28.

Next Thursday study for the Malti dictation numbers 13-24.

Tuesday 15th February

Maths- Odd and Even Numbers

CW: Number workbook 1 pg 22.

HW on Maths copybook:

Odd and Even

  1. 15_, ___, ___, ___, ____.
  2. 28_, ___, ___, ___, ____.
  3. 26_, ___, ___, ___, ____.
  4. 39_, ___, ___, ____, ___.
  5. 64_, ___, ___, ____, ___.
  6. 56_, ___, ___, ___, ____.
  7. 85_, ___, ___, ___, ____.
  8. 91__, ___, ___, ___, ____.
  9. 93_, ___, ___, ___, ____.
  10. 67_, ____, ___, ___, ___.
  11. 89 _, ___, ___, ___, ___.
  12. 94 _, ___, ___, ___, ___.

English- Speech Contractions

Speech Contractions are words that are shortened like: I am- I’m, We are- we’re

CW: Practice book pg 77.

Malti: Verbi fil-passat

Aqra Malti Noti pg 28.

HW: Ktejjeb tal- Malti pgs 21, 22.

Malti Smigħ: Ġurnata mimlija daqs bajda ta’ Vira.

TM 3b pgs 40, 41.

Science: Different types of Materials

Worksheet on Materials

Monday 14th February

Maths- Tens and Ones

CW: Number workbook 2 pg 4

CW on Maths copybook:

Tens and ones

  1. 42  ___ tens ____ ones.
  2. 36  ___ tens ____ ones.
  3. 56  ___ tens ____ ones.
  4. 86  ___ tens ____ ones.
  5. 72  ___ tens ____ ones.
  6. 10  ___ tens _____ ones.
  7. 52  ___ tens _____ ones.
  8. 89 ____ tens _____ ones.
  9. 97 ____ tens _____ ones.
  10. 50 ___ tens _____ ones.
  11. 39  ___ tens ____ ones.
  12. 59 ___ tens ____ ones.

HW: Number workbook 2 pgs 5, 6.

English Listening: Listen to the story of Cinderella:

Then the children will retell the story in their own words.

English Comprehension: Anna and her basketball team.

Read the text found in the English workbook pgs 33-35 and then for Hw the children have to answer the questions about this text.

Malti- Verbi fil-passat.

It-tfal jifhmu li verbi fil-passat hija xi ħaġa li diġa ġrat:

Fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti se jikkonjugaw dawn iż-żewġ verbi fil-passat:

Jien ġrejt kilt

Int ġrejt kilt

Huwa ġera kiel

Hija ġriet kielet

Aħna ġrejna kilna

Intom ġrejtu kiltu

Huma ġrew kielu

Ara Malti Noti Verbi fil-passat pg 28.

Religion: 5.3 Nieqaf u naħseb ftit

Workbook pgs 73-74.

Friday 11th February

Maths- Number bonds.

CW:Workbook 3 pg 11

HW: workbook 3 pg 27. HW copybook:

Number bonds:

  1. 18+____=20 18+___=30.
  2. 15+___=20 15+___=30.
  3. 7+___=20 7+___=30.
  4. 6+___=20 6+___=30.
  5. 3+___=20 3+____=30.
  6. 12+___=20 12+___=30.
  7. 12+____=31 12+____=32
  8. 14+____=20 14+____=30.
  9. 2+_____=20 2+____=30.
  10. 5+____=20 5+_____=30.
  11. 13+___=20 13+____=30.
  12. 13+____=31 13+____=32.

English- Creative Writing.

A Menu

On their foolscaps, the children created a menu: starters, apetizers, main course, dessert.

Language book pg 103 Practice book pg 81.

Language book pgs 99, 100 and 102.

HW: Practice book pgs 68-69.

Malti: Il-Kmand

HW fuq il-pitazz:

  1. __________ ħa noħorġu. (libes).
  2. __________ l-ittra ħa nimpustaha. (nikteb).
  3. _________ għax sar il-ħin. (niġri).
  4. _________ il-lazz għax inħall. (naqfel).
  5. _________ ħobża biex nieklu. (nixtri).
  6. _________ fuq il-bankina. (nimxi).
  7. ________ għax għada trid tqum kmieni. (norqod).
  8. ________ l-art għax maħmuġa. (naħsel).

CW: Ktejjeb tal-Malti pg 23 Kajjik għal Bejgħ. (Komprensjoni).

Studji Soċjali: Workbook pgs 49-52.

Wednesday 9th February

Maths- Make 30.

Maths CW copybook:

Bonds of 30

  1. 14+__=30.
  2. 8+__=30.
  3. 7+__=30.
  4. 9+__=30.
  5. 15+__=30.
  6. 13+__=30.
  7. 6+__=30.
  8. 12+__=30.
  9. 19+__=30.
  10. 20+__=30.

Maths HW copybook:

Bonds of 30:

  1. 16+__=30.
  2. 8+___=30.
  3. 12+__=30.
  4. 17+__=30.
  5. 9+___=30.
  6. 18+___=30.
  7. 14+____=30.
  8. 5+___=30.
  9. 7+___=30.
  10. 13+___=30.
  11. 15+___=30.
  12. 19+___=30.

English- Singular and Plural of words that end in ves.

Today we introduced the 5th rule in plural of words that end in f or fe and they take ves in plural.

English CW copybook:

  1. wolf
  2. shelf
  3. calf
  4. knife
  5. wife
  6. thief
  7. loaf
  8. life
  9. elf
  10. half

HW: Practice book pgs 66-67.

Malti: Il-Kmand ( L-Imperattiv).

TM 3a pgs 58-59.

Religion- 5.2 Id-dinja li nagħmlu parti minnha

workbook pgs 71-72.

Tuesday 8th February

Maths- Make 20 using 3 numbers

To make 20 by using 3 numbers, you have to split a number into 2 parts. For example 7+13=20, thus (they can split the 7 by 5 and 2), 5+2+13=20.

Maths CW copybook:

Make 20

  1. 15+__+__=20.
  2. 12+__+___=20.
  3. 6+__+__=20.
  4. 4+___+___=20.
  5. 13+___+__=20.
  6. 10+___+___=20.
  7. 11+___+___=20.
  8. 7+___+___=20.
  9. 3+___+___=20.
  10. 5+___+___=20.

Maths hw on copybook:

Make 20

  1. 5+__+__=20.
  2. 7+__+__=20.
  3. 9+__+__=20.
  4. 12+__+__=20.
  5. 16+__+__=20.
  6. 10+__+__=20.
  7. 13+__+__=20.
  8. 17+__+__=20.
  9. 3+__+__=20.
  10. 4+__+__=20.
  11. 14+__+__=20.
  12. 11+__+__=20.

English- Singular and Plural- words that take ies.

Power point presentation:

English CW on copybook:

Singular and Plural:

  1. fairy
  2. family
  3. copy
  4. spy
  5. story
  6. city
  7. baby
  8. century
  9. factory
  10. army

Malti: Il-Kmand (L-Imperattiv):

Aqra Malti Noti pg 27.

HW: Malti workbook pgs 17, 18.

CW: Ġej bid-dgħajsa TM 3a pgs 54-56.

Science- The 5 senses handout.

Monday 7th February

Maths- Make 20.

Power point presentation:

CW Number workbook 3 pg 9.

HW Number workbook 3 pg 10.

English- Comprehension- The big Dinner.

Read the text from the language book Unit 11 pgs 96-97.

CW: On a foolscap answer these questions:

Monday                 7th February 2022

The Big Dinner

  1. Who passed his exams last week? (p.1)
  2. Where did the boy want to go to celebrate? (p. 1)
  3. What is Lou’s favourite place called? (p.1)
  4. What did Lou want to eat? (p.2)
  5. What was the game they played called? (p.4)
  6. Who lost the game?  (p. 6)
  7. What happened twenty minutes later? (p.7)
  8. Write another word for delicious.

HW: Practice book pgs 76, 80.

Malti: Verbi fil-preżent

Ftakru li verbi huma azzjonijiet li qed jiġru issa jew ta’ spiss, b’hekk nużaw il-preżent.

Aqra Malti Noti pgs 25-26.

CW: TM 3b pg 36.

Religion: 5.1 Nagħmlu kollox mill-qalb.

Workbook pgs 69-70.

Friday 4-2-22

Maths- Add and Subtract 10, 20 and 30.

By using their number grids, the children will learn how to add 10, 20 or 30 by going down on the grid and subtracting 10, 20 or 30 by going up on the grid. They can use the number grid that they have on their Maths Notes.

Maths CW copybook: Add or Subtract in 10s

  1. 18+30=
  2. 26+40=
  3. 35+20=
  4. 39+30=
  5. 41+40=
  6. 19+50=
  7. 85-20=
  8. 76-10=
  9. 96-30=
  10. 101-20=
  11. 106-30
  12. 107-40=

Maths Hw copybook: Add and Subtract 10

  1. 45+20=
  2. 56+10=
  3. 47+20=
  4. 36+30=
  5. 41+40=
  6. 23+50=
  7. 99-20=
  8. 87-20=
  9. 84-30=
  10. 105-30=
  11. 107-40=
  12. 108-30=

English- Write about dinosaurs

On a foolscap, the children will write the sentences from Language book pg 95.

CW: Practice book pgs 71, 72.

HW: Practice book pgs 73, 75.

Malti: Komprensjoni Barnuża Ħamra TM 3b pg 26.

HW pitazz: In-negattiv

  1. Maria tgħum fil-baħar.
  2. Il-qattus jiġri wara l-ġurdien.
  3. It-tfal jilgħabu fil-bitħa.
  4. Il-kelb jiekol l-għadma.
  5. Il-mama’ ssajjar l-għaġin.
  6. Angela tikteb fuq il-pitazz.
  7. Il-papa’ jaħsel il-karozza.
  8. Il-farfett jtir fuq il-fjuri.

Studji Soċjali- Workbook pgs 46-48.

Thursday 3-2-22

Maths-Subtract 10, 20 and 30.

The children learnt to subtract 10, 20 and 30 using a number grid.

Cw on Maths copybook: Subtract in 10s

  1. 94-20=
  2. 85-30=
  3. 102-30=
  4. 104-30=
  5. 100-20=
  6. 83-10=
  7. 96-30=
  8. 87-40=
  9. 93-30=
  10. 105-40=
  11. 107-20=
  12. 106-20=

HW on Maths copybook:

Subtract in 10s

  1. 85-20=
  2. 96-30=
  3. 104-30=
  4. 102-20=
  5. 109-30=
  6. 86-50=
  7. 93-40=
  8. 98-50=
  9. 100-20=
  10. 97-30=
  11. 101-20=
  12. 97-50=

Malti- In-negattiv

HW fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti:

Ikteb fin-negattiv:

  1. Jien nilgħab bil-ballun kuljum.
  2. Aħna noħorġu kull nhar ta’ Sibt.
  3. Iz-zija tmur sal-Belt kull ġimgħa.
  4. In-nannu jsuq il-karozza.
  5. L-anzjani jixorbu t-te.
  6. Intom tiżfnu flimkien fil-festin.
  7. Int tikteb pulit.

Kitba Kreattiva: Jiktbu sentenzi fuq stampi li għandhom fuq TM 3b pg 43. Iridu jiktbu sentenza fuq kull stampa. Is-Sibt kemm għandi x’nagħmel.

English: Prepositions

See English Notes pg 20.

CW: workbook pg 34.

Religion workbook 4.8 Ngħix tajjeb.

Workbook pgs 65-67.

Friday 14-1-22

Maths- Counting in 3s, 4s and 5s

Maths Abacus workbook 2 CW pgs 1-3, 17, HW18, 19.

English- Phonics- igh sound

Language book pg 68, Practice book pg 51.

Regular verbs in the Past tense: Language book pgs 66, 67.

Practice book pg 52.

English workbook (white one) Copy the sentences of pg 12 on the English copybook and change the underlined words into the past tense.

Malti: L-Aġġettivi.

Fuq il-pitazz tal-Malti għandhom dan l-eżerċizzju:

Ikteb l-Aġġettivi:

  1. ġnien
  2. farfett
  3. bieb
  4. żunżana
  5. mejda
  6. siġra
  7. dar
  8. baħar
  9. dgħajsa
  10. skola

TM 3b pgs 6, 7.

Social Studies workbook pgs 40, 41.

Nhar l-Erbgħa għandhom id-dettatura bil-Malti. Studjaw numri 121-140.

On Friday study the English dictation numbers 121-140.

Friday 10-12-21

Maths- Adding Money

Remind the children the value of each money. They will recall the amount of money, size and colour.

The children will be given an amount: 10c, 20c, 30c, 40c, 50c, 1 euro, 2 euros and on their mini white boards they need to draw coins that add up to that amount. For example for 10c they can draw 5c and 5c or 2c, 2c and 1c.

CW: Number workbook 1 pg 30.

Hw: On Maths copybook (orange):

Add Money:

  1. 10c+20c=
  2. 5c+2c+ 2c=
  3. 5c+ 10c + 10c=
  4. 20c+30c=
  5. 20c+20c=
  6. 20c+10c+10c+10c=
  7. 40c+10c+10c=
  8. 50c+20c=
  9. 50c+50c=
  10. 1euro+ 50c=

English- Verbs in the Present tense

The children will be reminded that verbs are action words. They will also be reminded that present means something that is happening now.

Watch this video:

Then view this power point presentation so that children will understand better the present tense:

English Hw on their English copybooks (yellow):

Verbs in the Present tense:

  1. I ______ to school everyday.
  2. In summer we go to ________.
  3. Mum is ________ in the kitchen.
  4. Dad is ________ the car.
  5. My brother is ________ football.
  6. My aunt is ________ to London for Christmas.

swim, going, washing, walk, playing, cooking.

Malti- Tahrig il- Fehem

Ix-xih tal-Milied (handouts fil-locker)

Tinqara s-silta u jwiegbu l-mistoqsijiet flimkien fil-klassi.

Revizjoni tal-Konsonanti Dghajfin.

Jiftakru li l-konsonanti dghajfin huma j u w.

Jissejhu dghajfin ghax ma jidhrux dejjem u jinbidlu fil-vokali i jew u.

Ez: Huma jmorru jixtru. Hu jhobb jaqra hafna.

Uri dan il-vidjo:

Hw: handout dwar konsonanti dghajfa (mill-locker).

Social Studies:

Workbook pgs 31-34.



Make 10c using different coins.

The children will remember which are the euro coins, they will recall the amount, the colour and size each coin has.

Show them a picture of 10 c and together find different ways of how to make 10c using different coins.

CW: Number workbook 1 pg 28.

HW: Number workbook 1 pg 29.

CW on Maths copybook (orange): Add these amounts:

  1. 5c+5=
  2. 2c+2c+2c=
  3. 5c+ 2c+2c +1c=
  4. 2c+2c+2c+2c+2c=
  5. 10c+10c=
  6. 20c+10c=
  7. 50c+10c=
  8. 50c+20c=
  9. 20c+2c+5c=
  10. 1euro+50c=

English- Using do or does

CW: English copybook (yellow):

Put do or does:

  1. ______ you like to read?
  2. ______ she like sandwiches?
  3. ______ Kevin know how to drive?
  4. _____ you go to school?
  5. ______ Nina like to read?
  6. _______ they go swimming in summer?
  7. _______ we have tennis today?
  8. _______ your mum know how to cook?

Show them this video so that they will understand more when to use do or does;

Language book pg 51.

HW: Practice book pg 37.

Malti: Kitba Kreattiva: Menu tal-Ikel

Restaurant Menu Design Template Layout With Logo Stock Illustration -  Download Image Now - iStock

Uri Menu tal-ikel biex it-tfal jifhmu x’inhu Menu. Fehmhom li hemm antipasti, l-ewwel platt, it-tieni platt, Platt Principali u dezerta.

Flimkien fil-klassi, fuq fulscaps, oholqu Menu. Huma jghidu l-ideat taghhom, nizzilhom fuq bord u wara jiktbu l-menu fuq fulscap. Il-fulscap titpogga fil-flat files il-hodor li qeghdin fil-lockers.

Religion: 3.4 Ahna ghexna l-ewwel Milied.

workbook pgs 43, 44.


Maths- Add in 10s

The children were adding +10, +20, +30 and +40. They used their number grids and went down according to the number they had. (+10 go 1 down), (+20 go 2 down, +30, 3 down and +40, 4 down).

CW exercise on their Maths copybooks:

Adding in 10s

  1. 28+20=
  2. 12+30=
  3. 35+40=
  4. 19+30=
  5. 37+40=
  6. 24+20=
  7. 34+40=
  8. 36+20=
  9. 21+10=
  10. 27+30=
  11. 29+40=
  12. 40+40=

Maths hw on their copybooks:

Adding in 10s

  1. 17+20=
  2. 25+30=
  3. 34+30=
  4. 18+40=
  5. 23+40=
  6. 37+20=
  7. 29+30=
  8. 35+10=
  9. 40+30=
  10. 14+40=
  11. 96+10=
  12. 72+20=

English- Pronouns

The children will know what pronouns are and they will be able to use them in sentences.

Language book pgs 44-47.

Practice book pgs 32-33.

Malti: Jużaw din, dan u dawn u dik, dak u dawk.

HW: handout ta’ din ,dan u dawn.



Number bonds of 10 (using 3 numbers).

The children worked out 3 handouts for CW and they found different ways to make 3 using 3 or 4 numbers.

HW on Maths copybook:

Bonds of 10

  1. 3+___+___=
  2. 6+___+___=
  3. 5+___+___=
  4. 2+___+___=
  5. 8+___+___=
  6. 7+___+___=
  7. 1+___+___=
  8. 4+___+___=
  9. 3+___+___=
  10. 2+___+___=

English- Comprehension: The sound of the clock.

Language book pgs 44 and 45. Answers on foolscap.

Fluency book pgs 15 and 16.

Malti- L-użu ta’ din, dan jew dawn; dik, dak jew dawk.

It-tfal jindunaw li din, dan jew dawn nużawha għal xi ħaġa li tkun fil-viċin filwaqt li dik, dak jew dawk tintuża għal xi ħaġa li tkun fil-bogħod.

HW: TM 3a pg 52.


L-Ewwel Presepju. Workbook pgs 37, 38.


Maths- M5 Weight

The children will remember the terms ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ from the previous lesson and they will know what the terms stand for.

They will understand that 1kg is 1000g and we use grams to measure light objects and kg to measure heavy objects.

This video will be shown:

Read Maths Notes pg 21.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 6.

HW: Weight worksheet. (it is in the 1st top locker).

English- Verbs

Verbs are action words.

The children will be shown this video to understand what verbs are:

CW on English copybook:

Underline the verbs:

  1. Mum is cooking in the kitchen.
  2. Dad is washing the car.
  3. I am reading a book.
  4. Maya is singing a carol.
  5. The dog is eating meat.
  6. We are talking together.

Malti: In-nomi propji u komuni.

It-tfal jifhmu li nomi propji huma ismijiet li jibdew b’ittri kapitali filwaqt li nomi komuni huma nomi semplici li ma jibdewx b’ittri kapitali.

HW fuq pitazz tal-Malti:

Aghmel cirku man-nomi propji:

  1. Jien mort sa Londra.
  2. Kyle saq il-karozza.
  3. Fis-Sajf immorru nghumu l-bahar.
  4. Jien noqghod Hal Luqa.
  5. Marija kienet qed tiekol l-ghagin.
  6. Il-Belt Valletta hija l-belt kapitali ta’ Malta.

Science- Lifecycle of a plant. (Worksheet).

Art lesson.


Maths- M 5 Weight

The children will be familiar with the terms ‘heavier’ or ‘lighter’.

They will also understand what these terms mean. They will also get familiar with the terms kg and g and know that kg are used for heavy objects whilst g are used for lighter objects.

CW: Shapes, Space and Measures pg 5.

HW on Maths copybook: Heavy or light?

(The children need to write if these objects are heavy or light).

  1. scissors- _____________.
  2. elephant- ____________.
  3. shoes- ___________.
  4. ant – __________.
  5. flower- ___________.
  6. potato- __________.
  7. uhu stick- ___________.
  8. dice -_____________.

English- Phonics- the ‘ai’ sound.

The teacher mentions the words: rain, drain, train, tail, nail and snail. The children will find the ‘ai’ sound and see the words that rhyme together.

Language book pg 42

CW Practice book pg 29.

Listening activity: Language book pg 41.

Malti: In-nomi.

Aqra Malti noti pagni 19 u 20.

HW fuq pitazz:

Aghmel cirku man-nomi:

  1. Il-mama’ haslet il-hwejjeg.
  2. Ben mar sal-bahar.
  3. Ohti kienet l-Italja.
  4. Il-kelb beda jigri wara l-qattus.
  5. Toni kien qed isajjar fil-kcina.
  6. Il-gurdien kien qed jiekol il-gobon.

Religion- 2.7 Kemm kienu bilghaqal!

workbook pgs 31, 32.


Maths- 3D shapes

Shapes, Space & Measures pg 23- HW.

Assessjar tal-Malti

English- Pronouns- I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.

Practice book pg 28- HW

Malti- Il-Punteggjatura

Kelma trid tibda b’ittra kapitali u tispicca b’punt.

Ghall-mistoqsija nuzaw il-punt ta’ mistoqsija ?

Il-virgola tintuza biex tissepara lista ta’ affarijiet minn xulxin ez: laringa, tuffieha, langasa u frawli. Il-virgola ,

Punt t’esklamazzjoni !

Handout HW.

Religion 2.6 Fuq il-passi ta’ Gesu’

workbook pgs 29, 30.